Avant-garde Fashion: The New Indian Express

The elements of renewal, disruption and transformation are superimposed on the architecture; interiors are clean and invoke a feeling of being in a bare shell. The massive digital façade at the entrance and store interiors is an immediate impression of boundary-pushing retail, combining a unique atmospheric experience with the physical act of shopping. The ambience […]

Association of wearable device-measured vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity with mortality

Sample and design Figure 1 describes the derivation of the analytic sample. The UK Biobank Study is a prospective cohort study of adults aged between 40 and 69 years whose baseline measurements took place between 2006 and 2010. Participants provided informed consent and ethical approval was provided by the UK’s National Health Service, National Research Ethics […]

Dakar Fashion Week marks 20 years of style

Senegal celebrated 20 years of Dakar Fashion Week in style on Saturday with a show on the historic island of Goree, once associated with slavery. The event was organized by Adama N’Diaye, a French designer with Senegalese roots and French brand owner. Adama Paris. “I am completely happy, my baby [Dakar Fashion Week] it has […]