Dear Annie: Readers Share More Potty Training Tips

Dear readers: Many of you suggested treatments for “Pooped Out and Sad in the South”, which was the letter from the grandmother who was concerned about her grandson’s difficulty in having a bowel movement. I hope some of these suggestions help other parents and grandparents who are facing similar issues with their children and grandchildren.

Dear Annie, This mother needs to seek the advice of a pediatric gastroenterologist. These are the same symptoms my son exhibited, much to my dismay. She is now 50 years old and has had terrible problems with Crohn’s disease. He now has an ileostomy and is doing quite well. He stands 6-foot-4 and at one point weighed 134 pounds. The level of pain that he has experienced cannot be imagined.

Just a suggestion from someone who wishes they had informed me about this condition. Crohn’s disease is just one of many autoimmune diseases that are inherited. — trying to help

Dear Annie, The “Pooped Out and Sad” letter reminded me of my daughter, now almost 28 years old. She was so afraid that her bowel movements would hurt that she would not “go” alone. We also tried a lot of things and were afraid this would keep her from starting kindergarten (as kids had to be potty trained to enroll). She would move when she slept or be so shocked that only an enema would help. As a last resort, our family doctor recommended using enemas for several days in a row. She felt that once she was completely clean and then she had a normal bowel movement that didn’t hurt, she would finally decide for herself that she wanted to “go” normally, like the other children. She did it and she was very proud of herself. — Been there

Dear Annie, I’m glad you advised the grandparents to seek the advice of the child’s pediatrician. Constipation may be the culprit here. There are many approaches to this, and I would suggest seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist who specializes in children for management of this problem. — Physiotherapist Advocate

Dear Annie, My little 5 year old granddaughter had similar constipation problems. A weekend at my house with several servings of canned pears fixed the problem, and it has worked for over a year! — The pears did the trick

Dear Annie, I am writing about the grandmother who wrote about her grandson having potty training difficulties. Her advice to discuss this with a pediatrician is absolutely correct.

There are a number of medical and dietary factors that can contribute to young children having difficulty defecating. In my son’s case, he had bilateral inguinal hernias. Unfortunately, most of the time that I pushed during a bowel movement, it was painful. When I mentioned his symptoms to our pediatrician during a visit, she diagnosed him during a physical exam.

Surgical repair of his inguinal hernias fixed the problem. My husband and I were very grateful to have brought this to the attention of our pediatrician. Do not wait or try to self-diagnose, as it could be many other medical conditions as well. This grandmother is a wonderful advocate for her grandson, so she encourages mom to take the child to the pediatrician. — Grateful for the pediatric medical and surgical intervention

Dear Annie, After reading the question for “Pooped Out and Sad in the South”, I would like to offer some encouragement and a resource for the issues this grandmother is facing. Steve Hodges, MD, has a protocol and treatment for this very situation. If Grandma visits, she can read about other people who have been through this and find treatment that works. Hodges and his staff are even quick to respond to emails! Depending on the state, they might even schedule a virtual doctor’s appointment or go in person. I am sorry for the pain and struggle this poor family is going through and I highly recommend that you refer to the protocol that Hodges has used to treat thousands of children and adults. It worked for our family. — Blessings

Sight previous ‘Dear Annie’ columns

“How can I forgive my cheating partner?” it’s out now! Featuring her favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation, Annie Lane’s second anthology is available in paperback and eBook. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].

