Cycling: A Low-Impact Form of Exercise for a Healthy Lifestyle | lifestyle health

New Delhi: In recent years, the cycling culture has gained tremendous momentum in our country. Cycling is a fun, healthy, and low-impact form of exercise for all ages. It is a wonderful exercise that keeps you active both mentally and physically and helps boost immunity. The adrenaline rush one gets from pedaling across different terrains also makes cycling an adventure.

For anyone who still needs a reason to take a bike ride, Sriram Sundresan, CEO of Firefox Bikes, shares some of the benefits of cycling:

Weightloss: Weight gain due to a sedentary lifestyle is a common problem these days. Walking short distances to the neighborhood store, school, or work are mini-workouts that you can sneak into your routine and an effective weight loss strategy. This would not only ensure that you are physically active, but these cycling sessions would also help burn fat. Approximately 45-60 minutes of cycling can help burn up to 300 calories.

Prevention of diseases related to lifestyle: Riding a bike regularly helps keep various health problems like diabetes, obesity, heart problems or other lifestyle disorders at bay. In fact, regular cycling has been shown to keep blood sugar levels in check. Cycling works as an effective stress buster, in essence, it definitely helps in mental well-being.

Reduces depression and anxiety: The benefits of riding a bike extend beyond fitness. Cycling takes you outdoors, among nature, leaving you feeling revitalized, energetic and optimistic. Depression, anxiety, and stress are all positively affected by exercise, but the combination of exercise and exposure to the outdoors is a magical combination for emotional and mental well-being. So, hop on your saddle and enjoy some sunshine and positive vibes. After all, a happy soul is a healthy soul.

Build Muscle: The endurance element of cycling means that you not only burn fat, but also strengthen your hamstrings, quads and calves and can also tone your calves, preserve muscle mass and strengthen your core.

Keeps your heart healthy: Cycling and cardiovascular exercise go hand in hand. Riding a bike regularly keeps your heart healthy and is considered a great cardiovascular activity. Regular cycling stimulates and improves the heart, lungs and circulation, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and also slows down aging.

Boosts Immunity: One of the growing concerns in current times is keeping ourselves safe, making sure we have the immunity we need. Daily cycling helps keep your physical health in check, increases your stamina and helps keep your immune system young. In general, the fitter you are, the stronger your immune system will be.
