Top tips from a workplace wellness coach for thriving at work

Let’s face it: work can be stressful, especially when you’re doing a job you don’t necessarily love. However, you can take steps to ensure your ability to thrive in the workplace.

According to Dr. Kortni Alston, workplace wellness coach and happiness scholar, thriving in the workplace starts with cultivating wellness in your personal life.

“When I talk to most people about wellness in the workplace, a lot of it has to do with everyday stressors that we have, like trying to get through the pandemic and other things going on in the world. I also found myself facilitating sessions of training related to racial stress during this time.

The pandemic has also changed people’s work lives, with many professionals changing careers, starting business ventures, or quitting their jobs altogether. No matter what stage of your career you’re in, getting your personal life in order is the first step to thriving.

If external stress is affecting your job satisfaction, Alston recommends these three tips:

1. Have a self-care kit

Your relationships play a big role in your success, and having people hold you accountable for your personal care can help you be happier at work.

According to Active Minds, a nonprofit organization dedicated to mental health, self-care is important to maintaining a healthy relationship with oneself and includes caring for the mind, body, and soul by participating in activities that promote well-being and reduce anxiety. stress.

“My personal care team is amazing,” says Alston. “It really helps in terms of dealing with burnout and dealing with the different stressors in life.”

Your personal care team may include family, friends, mentors, and even co-workers with whom you have good relationships. When you identify people for your self-care squad, make sure they are non-judgmental and dedicated to supporting you on your personal journey.

2. Remember the 4 P’s

Having a routine, whether in the morning or at night, to prepare for the workday can help combat stress and make you feel more prepared.

According to Alston, your routine should consist of these four P’s:

Pause: Take time to think about what you hope to accomplish at work and how you’ll balance that with your personal life.

Plan: Write down what actions you are going to take to make your achievements a reality.

Process: Recognize what works and what doesn’t, and make adjustments to your plan as needed.

Swing: Give yourself permission to make mistakes and be human. Recognize that progress doesn’t happen overnight and give yourself the grace.

3. Practice mindfulness
