Tips to prepare your home for hurricane season

Hurricane-force winds can turn landscaping materials into projectiles that can break windows and doors. Much of the property damage associated with hurricanes occurs after the windstorm, when rain enters structures through broken windows, doors, and roof openings.

Preparing before a hurricane can help you manage the impact of high winds and flooding. The steps outlined below will help keep you and your family safe while protecting your home and property. If you are a renter, talk to your landlord or property manager about steps you can take together to protect yourself, your family, your home, and your property.

FEMA places a strong emphasis on building codes because they enhance public safety and property protection. See what the building codes are for your zip code at

While preparing your home to protect against hurricane damage is undoubtedly an expense, you can do it in stages.

Replace gravel or rock landscaping materials with a fire resistant material which is lighter and will not cause as much damage.
Cut weak branches and trees that could fall on your house and keep the bushes trimmed.
Install storm shutters to protect your windows from breakage. Alternatively, put plywood panels on your windows, which can be nailed to window frames when a storm approaches. Read about the story of a storm shutter survivor at
Make sure exterior doors are hurricane proof and have at least three hinges and a latch at least one inch long.
Sliding glass doors must be tempered glass. and, during a storm, covered with shutters or plywood. These types of doors are more vulnerable to wind damage than most other doors.
Replace old garage doors and rails with a door approved for both wind pressure and impact protection. Wind entering your home through an opening this size poses serious problems for the rest of your home, especially your roof.
Seal exterior wall openings such as vents, outdoor electrical outlets, garden hose faucets, and places where cables or pipes run through the wall. Use a high quality urethane based caulk to prevent water penetration.
If you live in a mobile homeMake sure you know how to insure it against high winds, and be sure to check your mobile home insurance policy. Learn more at Reminder: Mobile homes are not safe in high winds and you will need to move to a safer location before a storm hits. Always follow the advice of your local community officials.
If you have a boat on a trailer, know how to anchor the trailer to the ground or to the house, and check your boat’s insurance policy. Learn more at
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