6 tendencias de moda para la primavera de 2023

En octubre pasado, durante los últimos días del mes de la moda Primavera 2023, Thom Browne llevó a los entusiastas de la moda de regreso a los días dorados de la Francia del siglo XIX dentro de la Ópera Garnier de Napoleón III. Allí, su tropa de modelos caminó teatralmente por la pasarela con abrigos […]

Six Healthy Lifestyle Habits Linked to Slow Memory Decline

Adhering to six healthy lifestyle behaviors is linked to slower memory decline in older adults, a large population-based study suggests. The researchers found that a healthy diet, cognitive activity, regular physical exercise, not smoking, and abstaining from alcohol were significantly associated with slower cognitive decline, regardless of APOE4 status. After adjusting for health and socioeconomic […]

Michel Oayon challenges receivership, abandons Wilhelm Hubner

Translated by nicola mira Published January 27, 2023 French businessman Michel Oayon, head of asset management firm Financière Immobilière Bordelaise (FIB), the parent company of Hermione People & Brands (HPB), the retail group that owns Go Sport, the parent franchise of Gap France and 22 branches of Galeries Lafayette), dropped his usual reserve to “defend […]