Some lifestyle changes women in their 40s should make

In every decade of their lives, women must take care of their Health & Wellness. As they age, many health problems arise including, but not limited to, bone and muscle pain, weight fluctuations, skin problems, etc.

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When a woman turns 40, the premenopausal phase begins, and while some women gain weight, others lose weight rapidly. Many women complain of muscle and bone pain, skin pigmentation, gray hair, etc.

A woman should work towards long-term wellness rather than relying on methods that show quicker results but for a short period of time, she says. famous fitness instructor Yasmin Karachiwala. She lists three simple lifestyle changes that she practices herself and believes every woman should adopt; she keeps reading

1. Move your body or shake a leg for at least 30 minutes a day

Women in their 40s often complain of fatigue and this can be combated by exercising. Just 30 minutes a day gives your metabolism the boost it needs. Exercising does not necessarily mean going to the gym, but simple walks, jogs and pilatesor even squats and sit-ups will work.

2. Add almonds to your diet

nuts like almonds they are rich in protein, a nutrient that not only provides energy, but also contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. A handful of almonds can promote feelings of fullness, which can keep hunger at bay. Almonds may help reduce the blood sugar impact of carbohydrate-rich foods.

healthy eating, healthy eating and women, women eating healthy, healthy lifestyle changes for women, women in their 40s, healthy food, almonds, indian express news Nuts like almonds are rich in protein. (Photo: Getty/Thinkstock)

A study published by researchers at the University of Leeds found that eating almonds mid-morning (compared to equivalent energy crackers or equivalent weight water) resulted in an overall decreased appetite and suppressed the unconscious desire to consume high-fat foods.

3. Focus on a holistic diet

Many women complain about any lose your appetite or crave more food. To avoid limbs, women should focus on eating a nutritious meal that balances protein, minerals, vitamins, iron, and calcium. Avoid skipping meals. Include more sprouts, leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, and meat in your diet.

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