Make Halloween a Bliss: Follow These Tips for a Fun and Safe Trick-or-Treat

halloween pumpkins

Are you ready to celebrate Halloween and have a good scare? We hope you and your family have fun, trick or treating and wearing a costume. That is why we would like to share with you some recommendations that he The North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Federal Drug Administration have for your safety and make Halloween safer and more enjoyable.

For Trick-or-Treating in the neighborhood

Plan and discuss a safe route for the children to follow and set a time to return home or to meet at a gathering place.
Please ensure that a responsible adult or older youth is supervising the exit for children under 12 years of age, staying together as a group.
Make sure children carry flashlights, glow sticks, or use reflective tape on their costumes to make them more visible to motorists.
Make sure Trick-Or-Treaters walk on sidewalks, not on the street, and not across yards or driveways. Remember that if there are no sidewalks, you should walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic.

Keep your yard and sidewalk well lit and clear of any obstacles to prevent children from tripping or falling. Turn on your porch light.
If you’re out of candy or not participating in Halloween, turn off your porch lights.

For motorists, you should be especially careful on Halloween,

Drive slowly on residential streets and areas where people walk.
Watch for children running from between parked cars.
Watch for children walking on paths, medians, and curbs.
Enter and exit driveways and alleys carefully.
At twilight and later in the evening, keep an eye out for children in dark clothing.

Be careful with sweets

Candy and treats are the mainstays of Halloween fun. Here are some things to keep in mind about food safety.

Inspect commercially wrapped candy for signs of tampering, such as unusual appearance or discoloration, small holes, or tears in the wrappers.
Do not eat sweets until they have been inspected at home.
Snack before you head out to avoid the temptation to nibble on a treat before it’s been inspected.
In case of a food allergy, check the label to make sure the allergen is not present.
Parents of very young children should remove any choking hazards, such as gum, peanuts, hard candy, or small toys, from Halloween bags.
If something doesn’t look right or if you find something in the candy boxes that might be narcotic or dangerous, please do not touch it, but contact the Asheville Police Department or local law enforcement agency.

Finally, if you’ve never worn contact lenses before, Halloween shouldn’t be the first time you wear them. Remember that the FDA is discourage consumers from using illegal decorative (coloured) contact lenses. These are contact lenses that have not been approved for safety and effectiveness. Purchasing any type of contact lenses without an exam and prescription from an eye care professional can cause serious eye disorders and infections, which can lead to permanent vision loss.

If you have an emergency call 9-1-1. If you have a question, problem, or don’t know who to contact, you can contact the Asheville Police Department Communications Center 24/7/365 on the non-emergency line at 828-252-1110.
