How to save your smartphone battery (2023): tips for iPhone and Android

A benefit of larger smartphones is that there is room for larger batteries. Battery life isn’t the annoyance it used to be, but anxiety about running out of juice is still common. Much of the advice out there on how to save your smartphone battery life is outdated or iffy, so we’ve rounded up some battery saving tips on what works and what doesn’t.

You may also be interested in how to take care of your smartphone battery to ensure it lasts as long as possible, and how to get a battery replacement when the time comes. If you’re looking for ways to keep your phone charged, check out our Best Wireless Chargers, Best Portable Chargers, and Best Apple 3-in-1 Wireless Chargers guides.

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Activate power saving mode

All smartphones have some kind of low power mode that pauses or reduces certain features, activities, and visual effects. These modes are ideal for preserving valuable battery life when the battery is low, especially if it will take some time before you can get a charger.

for iPhone

Go to settings > Battery and activate low power mode.Add it to Control Center via settings > Control center > Customize controls and pick up low power mode.Shuts off automatically when battery is 80 percent charged.

For Android phones, the instructions differ slightly depending on the manufacturer. Most Android phones have two power saving modes. The former reduces battery drain by limiting some activities and visual effects, and the latter is more extreme and will stop notifications and most apps from running.

For Google Pixel phones

Go to settings > Battery > Battery saving and activate Use battery saver. You can also find it at quick settings when you pull down the notification shade (if it’s not there, tap the pen icon to edit and add it). I touched set a schedule about him Battery saving screen to decide when to activate. touch Extreme battery saver to decide when it should be activated and touch essential applications to check any app you want to exclude. It is also a good idea to activate adaptive battery in in settings > Battery > customizable preferences.

For Samsung Galaxy phones

Go to settings > Battery and device care > Battery meet Power saving mode.You can configure what it does in the Energy saving screen. Also worth touching More battery settings to activate adaptive battery.

Reduce screen brightness

Screen brightness has a significant impact on battery life, so you want it to be as low as is comfortable for your eyes. You can always change the screen brightness by swiping down to open the Control Center on an iPhone or the Notification Shade on an Android phone and dragging the Brightness slider. You can also consider automatic adjustment based on ambient light level.

for iPhone

Go to settings > Accessibility > Screen size and text and make sure auto brightness It is activated.

For Android phones

Go to settings > Show and make sure adaptive brightness It is activated. Continue moving the slider manually until it learns your preferences.

Turn off always-on display and reduce screen timeout

Since the screen is the worst battery drainer, it’s also a good idea to reduce the time it’s on. The lowest setting can be annoying, so choose the wait time that works best for you.

for iPhone

Go to settings > screen and brightness and establish auto lock a 30 seconds. Consider toggling always on off.

For Android phones

Go to settings > Show and establish screen timeout a 15 seconds. consider turning Screen saver off. Get in settings > Show > lock screen and ensure Always show time and information it’s off.

You can also save some battery life by enabling dark mode if your smartphone has an OLED (or AMOLED) display, because these panels turn off pixels when displayed as black.

Avoid extreme temperatures

If it is very cold or hot, the battery will suffer. There’s not much you can do about it, but try to avoid things like leaving your smartphone on the dashboard of your car on a sunny day.

Find what is draining your battery

If you’ve tweaked all the settings we’ve highlighted so far and still find your battery isn’t getting you through the day, it’s worth investigating. Smartphones have built-in battery usage graphs that will show you where the power is going.

for iPhone

Go to settings > Battery and scroll down to see the usage graphs for the last 24 hours or 10 days. If you select last 10 days and scroll down, you will see a list of apps. You can toggle between the percentage of battery used and activity (which includes screen time and background).

For Android phones

Go to settings > Battery > battery usage and scroll down to see the apps and system features that have used power in the last 24 hours. You can also tap two-hour blocks on the chart at the top.

Remove and restrict apps

If your investigation revealed that apps you don’t use or use infrequently have been draining your battery, then it’s time to go through your list of apps and uninstall anything you don’t need.

for iPhone

Go to settings > app store and activate Download unused apps to remove unused apps but keep the data, so when you reinstall that app, all your saved data remains intact. To manually download apps, go to settings > General > iPhone storagechoose an app and tap download app.To return to settings and scroll down to find your installed apps. Touch any app and you can disable or restrict permissions like Locationdeactivate Background app refresh to prevent it from downloading data in the background when you’re not using it and restrict notifications.

For Android phones

Go to settings > Applicationsand scroll down. Tap on unused apps to find apps you haven’t used for three months or more and uninstall anything you don’t need. Now go back to settings > Applicationsfaucet See everythingand find any app that shows up on your battery usage graph as a significant drain. Consider turning off notifications for any app that doesn’t need them (for example, messaging apps won’t work properly without them, but most games don’t need to send you notifications). To restrict permissions that don’t seem relevant (for example, turn location off for apps that don’t have any business tracking you). make sure of that Pause app activity if not used It is activated. You can also prevent apps from draining your battery by pulling data in the background when you’re away from home by going to settings > Network and Internet > data savingand activating it.

Use Do Not Disturb

It’s a good idea to schedule regular downtime on your smartphone. Setting times when notifications are restricted can help you sleep, focus at work, and take a break from constant demands—with the added benefit of longer battery life.

for iPhone

Go to settings > Focus and schedule Do not disturb Y To sleep hour. This includes the option to customize screens, set exceptions so certain people or apps can still contact you, and even filter what certain apps can show you. You can learn more about how to use Apple’s Focus Mode here.

For Android phones

Go to settings > notifications either sound and vibrationand touch Do not disturb to set schedules, exceptions and more.

Connect to Wi-Fi and use airplane mode

When you are in an area or building that does not receive a strong cellular signal, your phone’s battery will drain faster. This is because it searches for a cellular signal or increases power to maintain a strong connection. Whenever possible, connect to a Wi-Fi network and be sure to turn on Wi-Fi calling. (Be sure to follow these steps to protect yourself when using public Wi-Fi networks.)

If you’re traveling in a rural area with poor coverage and don’t need to use your smartphone for a while, consider turning on Airplane mode to save battery life. Just remember to turn it off again, and keep in mind that your phone is offline when Airplane Mode is on.

Eliminate keyboard sounds and vibrations

Keyboard sounds are not only annoying to anyone nearby when you’re texting, but they also consume quite a bit of power, so why not turn them off? Realistically, turning off keyboard sounds and vibrations will have a negligible impact on battery life, unless you type frequently.

for iPhone

Go to settings > sounds and haptics and toggle lock sound off.Touch keyboard feedback and toggle Sound off. You might consider converting haptic out, too.

For Android phones

Go to settings > sound and vibration and deactivate screen lock sound Y touch sounds. You may also consider turning off Vibration and haptics.

Don’t force close apps

It’s a persistent myth that force-closing apps save battery life. In fact, if you continually swipe apps to close them or force them to close via the app menu, you may end up draining your battery. This is because the apps that appear in your recent list are actually in a paused state, saved in memory, so you can pick up where you left off the next time you open that app. More power is required to charge them from scratch, so leave them alone.

Don’t turn off Bluetooth

Another battery saving tip that comes up frequently is to turn off Bluetooth when you’re not using it. But Bluetooth doesn’t seem to consume much battery, if any, unless it’s connected to a device. Streaming audio on Bluetooth will drain your battery, but even Bluetooth LE (low energy) connections to things (like fitness trackers) barely draw any power, and idle consumption is negligible.

Don’t turn off the wifi

It’s pretty much the same story for Wi-Fi as it is for Bluetooth. Having Wi-Fi turned on will have a negligible impact on your battery unless you are actually connected to a Wi-Fi network. It’s not worth the inconvenience of turning it on and off. You can also save battery life by having it on all the time, as it allows your phone to switch from a cellular network, which usually requires more power, to a Wi-Fi network whenever it’s available.
