Who is ‘Nathaniel B’? They explain the origin of the latest viral video on TikTok

Viral moments can come from the most unexpected places and often become popular long after the original images were first taken. The creator of a recent viral catchphrase took to TikTok to explain the origins of his infamous line; “Wait, aren’t you Nathaniel B?

The 2020 stills show a group of high school students engrossed in a rap battle, with a student from an upper class facing off against a student from a lower class. The younger rapper is dressed in an orange t-shirt and brightly colored headband and appears to be enjoying his fair share of support from the crowd, until he utters the now-famous line…

“That shit was garbage. You can’t handle me. Wait, aren’t you Nathaniel B?

Two years later and the original video has received over 2.5 million views and garnered 397,000 likes. And as the video experienced a resurgence online, TikToker Prince Maj (@princemaj3) explained everything in an online post.

What does Nathaniel B mean?

In a TikTok video posted in July, Prince Maj revealed the exact circumstance leading up to the infamous moment and what he meant by the term ‘Nathaniel B’. The other students in the clip were his high school soccer teammates and were enjoying some relaxation time before practice.

“I fit in the circle well,” he explained on his TikTok account. “Before Nathaniel B said the line, we said like three or four lines.”

“The guy that I was fighting, I knew him personally, so I knew his whole family. And then, I was about to insult him and call him his little brother, Nathaniel B.”

His rap rival had a younger brother named Nathaniel and Prince Maj simply added the ‘B’ suffix, short for ‘bro’, to make the slash rhyme with the previous line. Calling his opponent by the name of his younger brother might seem like a fairly innocuous roast in a high school rap battle, but he didn’t get the response Prince Maj would have expected.

Viewers in the original clip can be heard saying “What does he say?” as Anther yelled, “Get out of here!”

It may not have been a crowd pleaser at the time, but the The TikTok audience has been much more impressed with Prince Maj’s bars.

“The rise of Nathaniel B,” joked one TikToker. “One of the greatest mysteries finally solved.”

Source: en.as.com