University of Utah president gives advice for the school

That “F,” in my first English class at the University of Utah, hit me like a slap in the face.

But a kind teacher let me rewrite my paper. Four times. The B+ I finally got gave me the confidence to continue writing. I have never forgotten the lesson.

University is like that. The teachers you have, the friends you make, the ideas you form change you. The University of Utah transformed me, and it can do the same for every student on our campus.

If you are new to the university, you will quickly realize that it is a big place with a lot to go. It can be a bit overwhelming. But it is also an amazing place with incredible diversity and wonders to learn and explore.

The foundations of academic success are waiting for you. They are in the friendships you will form around the pool tables of the Union Building, in the study booths of the Marriott Library, at sporting events, and by attending religious services. They are in the mentoring relationships that you will form at the Black Cultural Center or the LGBT Resource Center. And they are on the faculty and staff who will help you study, research, and serve the community around us.

So, to help kick off this academic year, I want to share five tips, as well as my five attempts at writing that paper, to help you thrive and have the experience you all deserve.

to find somebody

Everyone needs a guide for assistance and advice. That someone could be a resident advisor, a staff member, a new friend, or a professor. That someone can also be a group or cohort of other students. This is a people of their choosing: people checking in on each other and creating a community of care. We strive to create a place of welcome, safety, and belonging for every student.

Find something

We are working to create an amazing academic experience for all Utah students. We want you to have research opportunities from day 1, working in laboratories with professors and researchers. We want to provide internships and real-world learning opportunities that align with your interests. We want to offer you options to broaden the scope of your education abroad: study Chaucer in England, engineering in South Korea, or emerging markets in Ghana.

find wellness

Because we care about your physical and emotional well-being, we encourage you to take care of yourself and get involved. We have a world-class medical system with student services, as well as recently expanded mental health programs; use them. There are more than 600 academic, social, religious, and athletic groups on campus. Find your wellness at the climbing wall or on one of our dozens of intramural or club sports teams. Join MUSS at our sporting events. Take advantage of the natural beauty and culture available at Red Butte Garden, the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, or the Pioneer Theater.

find balance

For many of you, this is your first time living away from home. That can be both scary and liberating. I encourage you to get out of your comfort zone by embracing differences and learning about things you might not otherwise have considered. Take a class on a topic that challenges you. Make a friend from a different part of the world. Go to an event hosted by a group you’re not familiar with. One of the notable features of this place is that there are no limits to your imagination. That’s why we call it Imagine U.

find gratitude

According to well-documented research, gratitude helps you feel positive and better cope with adversity. It allows you to enjoy good experiences, improve your overall health, and build stronger relationships. Ultimately, giving thanks makes you happier.

If you implement these five tips, you’ll soon realize you belong here. The people and life skills you learn at the University of Utah will help you through the journey ahead: the sleepless nights, group projects, and accomplishments that will lead to graduation. They will also make you the person you will be for the rest of your life.

I am so happy that you are all here. I love this place. I can only hope that you will come to love the University of Utah as much as I do.

Taylor Randall smiles in front of the trees on the University of Utah campus.

Taylor Randall, president of the University of Utah, begins this school year ready to help students succeed.

Taylor Randall is the president of the University of Utah.
