Top 10 tips for transitioning to college


Admission receives a lot of media coverage, often touting ridiculously low acceptance rates, scandals, and other stories that raise the collective blood pressure. For some students and their supporters, this translates into an inordinate amount of time spent trying to cheat the college application process. A disproportionately small amount of attention is given to the actual transition from high school to college: This is no game. How students approach this important time of change can set the stage for a successful college experience. If not given due attention, it can lead to disappointment, disengagement and, in the worst case, disenrollment. Consider these tips from professionals who have helped young adults and their families through times of transition.

1. College isn’t the BEST four years, it’s the NEXT four years

“Well-intentioned sentiments that college is the high point of life don’t really serve college students well. All students will have good days and bad days and we should not suggest otherwise. Instead, we can focus on the fact that colleges are designed to help students grow, and that all growth comes with ups and downs.” Lisa Damour, Ph.D., author of “Untangled: Guiding Teens Through the Seven Transitions to Adulthood.”

two. To feel comfortable

“Change the name of the first year to ‘The year of getting comfortable’ to ease the pressure. Allow for the normal, natural discomfort that comes with change. Identify your 3 places before arriving on campus. Places are where you can sweat, play, pray, live, learn, lead, love and work. Spiritual groups can be a great place. You don’t have to be interested in religion, just nice people and free food.” – Harlan Cohen, bestselling author of “The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Problems You Might Run Into in College,” “Win ​​or Learn,” and other books. He also has TikTok life and college tips on #helpmeharlan.

3. Support sources

“Often when we transition to a new place, such as a college or university campus, or when we live in a different space or community, we are excited and even distracted by the many changes that occur simultaneously in our adaptation to the new environment and in establishing routines. It is after the novelty and excitement of the transition wears off that people realize that they may have forgotten to identify sources or ‘networks’ of support in their new place. Therefore, we strongly encourage students to identify sources of connection in their new community as they begin their transition and before moving onto campus. Support networks on a college campus may be freshman advisors or counselors, resident assistants (RAs), college faculty and staff, peer groups with similar interests, or from similar communities. In addition, students should thoroughly review student health and wellness centers to identify the many counseling and support resources available on campus and the process of accessing resources. In 2012, the University of California launched the Red Carpet Initiative, which includes quick links to the ten campuses that provide support to people experiencing difficulties. Most universities have similar reference guides for campus mental health resources, and we encourage you to locate a comparable guide at your institution to keep on hand.” — Megan Corazza, Ed.D. Chair of the Counseling Department, Sage Creek High School, CA

Four. The principle of the paramecium.

“Be a paramecium. This brainless, single-celled organism survives and thrives, and it does so using a basic principle: if things are looking up, keep swimming in that direction, and if not, change course. The rule is this: Before you specialize in one thing, you have to try many things, including the things you eventually give up. It’s never too late to try. Sampling opens the door to chance.” Angela Duckworth, Ph.D., founder and CEO of Character Lab, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, co-host of Freakonomics No Stupid Questions, author of “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”

5. Relax and enjoy the dance.

“’What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; There is nothing new under the sun.’ [Ecclesiastes 1:9] This wise quote is worth keeping in mind as you make the transition from high school to the institution of your choice. Regardless of campus, remember that our spaces are simply a microcosm of society at large. Sure, the circumstances are different, but the people behind them are relatively the same. So relax. Beneath the masks and false bravado that you will come across, there are only people like you. Nothing new. There is a rhythm to college life. As you go through your transition, a comfortable rhythm can eventually develop. Before long, you’ll master the distance it takes to travel between residence and classroom buildings to get there on time; Or maybe you’ve found that quiet spot on the patio that’s your favorite spot when it’s time to study or hang out with friends. Each student routinely waltzes into her surroundings as she navigates the daily dynamics of her lived experience, and so will you. So, create good habits and enjoy the dance.” – Anthony E. Jones, M.Ed., Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Experience, Bethune-Cookman University

6. Bring a doorstop

“This is handy because college dorm doors are often heavy and won’t stay open on their own, but it’s also a great way to show you’re open to meeting new people. Transitioning to college means you may need to find a group of new friends who will eventually become your community away from home. So be sure to eat in the dining hall (not just in your room), go to the college fair, and sign up for an activity that will allow you to meet people with similar interests, and if your RA is bringing people together. for a fun activity you should definitely go. Studying is important, but finding a community that will sustain you for years to come is probably more important right now.” – Denise Pope, Doctor., Co-founder of Challenge Success, tenured professor at Stanford University, author of “Doing School: How We’re Creating a Generation of Stressed, Materialistic, and Miseducated Students” and co-author of “Overloaded and Underprepared: Strategies for Stronger Schools and Healthy Kids and successful”.

7. Less stress, more sleep

Have a plan for healthy stress relief. The things that make college so exciting can also be stressful. New people, challenging classes, and uncertainty about where you fit in are all part of what makes college such a time of great growth. But, if stress inputs are not balanced with healthy outputs, bad things happen. Much of the excessive use of alcohol and drugs is a maladaptive way of reducing stress in the short term. While binge-watching shows or being on your phone distracts you from stressors, it’s not a stress reliever. Exercise, meditation, time with caring friends, and spending time in nature are some easily accessible tools to get rid of the stress you’ll naturally experience in college. And sleep. The average college student is woefully under-rested. Sleep is crucial for learning. athletic performance, creativity and mental health. Because sleep deprivation has the same corrosive effects on the body and brain as stress, ‘pay yourself first’. Structure your time to get enough sleep (49-63 hours a week) and regularly, and then ‘spend’ the rest of your time on all the things that matter to you in and out of class.” — Ned Johnson, co-author, ” The self-directed child: the science and meaning of giving your children more control over their lives”

8. Technology: The Fifth Wall

“There are actually five walls in your bedroom when you get to college. No, the fifth wall is not a laundry wall (that would be the sixth wall). This wall is invisible. It’s the wall I call technology. Don’t stay in your bedroom and live online. It’s hard enough exploring on your own without the internet, online dating, instant messaging, video games, and all the other electronic devices that make being alone so much more tolerable. You will miss a lot.” — Harlan Cohen

9. Communicate

“Have a communication plan. Parents may want to hear from you in some way, shape or form (think text, Instagram, old-fashioned phone calls) to make sure you’re okay. Both parties need to agree to that daily communication is probably unnecessary, but that a regular weekly check-in or (insert appropriate interval here) might make sense, especially in the beginning.” – Denise Pope, Ph.D.

10 Go to class

I know… this final tip may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to mention. On the way to drop me off at college, my parents only asked me for one thing, and that was not to miss class. They pointed out that they were supporting me to be there to learn and grow, and that I could at least take every opportunity to do so. While I thought this was an obvious expectation at the time, I soon realized that many of my college classmates were skipping several classes a week. This is a slippery slope and a waste of money. A successful college experience is about establishing healthy routines, and attending class should be one of these foundational routines.

If you’ve committed these top ten transition tips to heart and still want more, consider this transition to college curriculum for a deeper dive and some resources you can engage with this summer as you plan a hassle-free trip and with a purpose towards the next stage of life.
