Tips, Tricks & Secrets – Overwatch 2 Wiki Guide

While it may seem like Overwatch 2’s PvP is incredibly similar to its predecessor, there are dozens of subtle (and not-so-subtle) changes in Overwatch 2. Between the new Push mode, the new 5v5 team composition, and the recent changes in characters, there is much to follow. here are some tips and tricks to ease you into this new era of Overwatch.

For more information on the changes in Overwatch 2, be sure to check out the Overwatch vs Overwatch 2 Breaking Changes page.


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game tips

No matter what your preferred hero or role is, keep these tips in mind when you jump into Overwatch 2 for the first time:

Use the new ping system Whether you prefer to use Team Voice Chat or keep the peace, Overwatch 2’s new ability to ping enemy positions is a much faster and more effective means of communication than your standard call. Don’t forget to change the “ping” key combination in the “Controls” menu if the default version is not comfortable or easy to use in your setup. Learn the new map layouts by creating your own custom game. If you find yourself passing directly through “Point A” in Midtown on Defense, walking through these new maps without a timer or enemy team stopping you will help you get to know the terrain. You can change the active map in Custom Games in Settings.

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If you’re itching to try out Sojourn, Junker Queen, and Kiriko without making your teammates mad about trying out a new hero, try them out on the practice field. It’s not the same as playing against real people, but you can enter the practice field while you’re in the queue to get a feel for their skills.


Play open queue. You may be a Damage main through and through, but with Overwatch 2’s new 5v5 team composition, you’ll want try your hand at each role to truly understand the new team dynamic.

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Assign buttons and key combinations to your comm wheel. “Communications” expanded in Overwatch and you’ll find them just as useful in Overwatch 2. More options can be found in the “Additional Communications” section of the “Controls” menu. You can even customize your Communications menu by selecting the dropdown menu in any of the eight Communication spaces. Pay attention to damage indicators. When you are hit by enemy fire, a “bleeding” effect appears on the side of the screen in the direction it came from. The appearance of this effect has changed slightly. in Overwatch 2, but it still gives you a good clue to enemy positions that you might not have seen at first. It can be very pressing to get back on target soon, especially when trying out the new push mode. Beware of “amazing”, or leaving the spawn room one by one instead of grouping up to make a solid push. Health packs are your friend, especially if you prefer to play Damage Heroes. Learning the location of the “mini” and “large” health packs on the new Overwatch 2 maps is crucial. Try not to “extend too far” beyond your support’s lines of sight if you’re not actively flanking. In the heat of the fight, it can be tempting to chase down, but keep in mind that if you can’t see your Supports, they can’t see (or heal) you either.

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Coordinate the use of Ultimate with the rest of your team. This can be tricky if you’re not using Voice Chat, but you can announce its “Final State” by assigning a key or button in the “Controls” menu. Overwatch 2’s new leaderboard also shows the current ultimate statuses of all your teammates, so check your leaderboard often.

role suggestions

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With a new 5v5 team composition in PvP and many new hero changes, keep these things in mind for each role:


Support Tips

Tracking the enemy team’s Ultimate usage can give you a huge advantage. Not only is this important for supports that have damage-mitigating Ultimates (like Lucio’s sound barrier) that can be effectively canceled by certain enemy Ultimates, but at the end of the day, Overwatch 2 is a game of numbers.

If you and your team use all of your Ultimates to get the Team Kill and secure “Point A”, in the next fight you won’t have any Ultimates left to mitigate the enemy team’s Ultimates.

With the Support Role new regenerative healing passive ability, you have a little more survival. However, this passive self-healing doesn’t match the output of a second healer, so don’t rely on it too much. Instead, use cover to your advantage to get some health back while in an active team fight.

Tank Tips

In Overwatch 2, tanks now receive a passive ability that reduces the amount of “knockback” they receive. This makes it much easier for you to push into the enemy line and “create space” for your damage heroes while creating cover for your supports.

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As much as protecting your teammates and getting kills is important, the most crucial part of playing Tank is “create space”. Basically, this can mean intimidating your enemy into backing off so you and your team can move forward, or using your own “push back” abilities to push enemies out of position, making them easy targets for your Damage heroes.


damage tips

Stay focused on a single goal. Keeping the focus on an enemy player not just for yourself, but as a whole team, is the difference between getting a Team Kill or missing the target.

Additionally, Overwatch 2 gives Damage heroes a new passive ability that gives you a boost in movement and reload speed as long as you get an elimination. Focusing on a target and killing them gives you the edge you need to reposition or even retreat if things get too tough. This temporary movement speed buff is especially crucial for Damage heroes who excel at flanking.

don’t be afraid of switch between Damage heroes at the beginning of the matchdepending on the composition of the enemy team or if you feel that something is not working.

Tips for Push mode

Overwatch 2’s newest PvP mode is a twist on the classic Escort. In Push Mode, your team and the enemy team compete to maintain control of a Robot (TS1) for the duration of the match.

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How to play in push mode:


After the first thirty seconds of the match, the Robot activates. There are two barricades located at the robot’s starting location. Depending on which team gained control, the Robot will start pushing that team’s barricade in the direction of the enemy team’s spawn.

While pushing the barricade, the robot it moves much slower. However, if at any point along the way to the end of the route the Robot is picked up, it will walk at a much faster pace until it reaches the other Barricade. Every time control of the robot is exchanged, the respective barricade that the robot was pushing stays exactly where the robot left off.

You’ve got ten minutes to escort the Robot as it pushes its Barricade to the end of the route. If neither team is successful in this, at the end of ten minutes, the team that pushed the Robot the furthest distance is declared the winner.

The game may go into overtime if the robot is currently in dispute at the ten-minute markor if the team in control after ten minutes has less distance traveled than its rival.

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Here are some tips to keep in mind when playing the new Push mode:

Try to keep at least one or two teammates on the robot at all times. The new Push maps have plenty of side corridors and alternate passageways for flankers to get to the main route the bot is traveling, so keep an eye out for sneak attacks from behind. Tank and damage heroes can advance after retaking the robot to cuts enemies that return early from spawn. The goal of Push is essentially to speed up time as much as possible while you are in control, so that the longer you can distract the enemy team, the further your robot will travel. Prioritize staying grouped about going back to the Robot. Like any mode in Overwatch 2, it’s better to put in an effort as a full team than to try and compete with the mech in a 1v5 fight. Speed ​​is key, so consider choosing heroes to push with high mobility, like Pike, Hammond or Tracer. As a Damage hero, he always looks for flanking opportunities. Taking the opportunity to learn the new Push maps can help you memorize routes to get behind enemy lines while escorting the robot and still able to make a quick escape when needed. Taking the first checkpoint is crucial. Coordinate a solid first push with your team to get the robot and barricade to the location of the first checkpoint, and you’ll unlock a much better spawn. This gives you a great advantage in coordinating the team’s drives to get back into competition.



Champagne bottles in Monaco are labeled from petra, an Arcade map inspired by the real-life ancient city located in the south of Jordan. On the Midtown map, you can see a schedule at Grand Central Station with departures for various other Overwatch 2 maps. That includes Blizzard World, which is noted for not only being late but being part of the “Deep Running Tram”. This is a reference to the Deeprun Tram in World of Warcraft, an underground tram system that runs from Stormwind City to Ironforge. Behind Club Sinestestia on the Paraiso map, not only can you find Pikepersonal sound mixing station but a collection of his award-winning albums with covers that refers to some very froggy memes.

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The two initial spawn rooms on the Colosseo Push maps are modeled after the Pantheon in Rome, but the Latin above the doors reads “Laris Maximus” and “Galleria Imperial”. Old Latin only translates as “Maxim’s house”, one of the gladiators announced by the Colosseum. Some of the Hyper-rail signs in the Esperanca note “Atlantic Arcology” as a destination among other Overwatch 2 maps. The schedule at Midtown’s Grand Central Station also mentions the Atlantic Arcology, which could hint that this could be a new upcoming map in future seasons of the Battle Pass. the tom beanson shop and signs on the new Toronto-inspired New Queen Street map are likely a reference to the beloved Canadian chain, Tim Hortons.

Next: Overwatch vs Overwatch 2 Major Changes

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