Tips to improve your well-being on World Mental Health Day

MIAMI – It’s been a tough couple of years, from coping with the pandemic to rising inflation.

“Mental health is getting a lot harder to manage these last couple of years, especially after having to self-isolate and stuff,” said Emily Dixon, who has changed jobs and moved several times since the COVID-19 outbreak.

If you’re struggling these days, experts at Britain’s Mental Health Foundation said you’re not alone.

“Statistics are similar in the US and UK, with about one in six people each week experiencing diagnosable levels of mental illness,” said Dr. Antonis Kousoulis, director for England and Wales at the Mental Health Foundation.

Health experts said COVID-19 created a global mental health crisis with an estimated 25 percent increase in anxiety disorders and depression in the first year of the pandemic. On World Mental Health Day (October 10), Dr. Kousoulis believes the first step to getting help is to break the taboo.

“The main stigma is that it’s your fault if you’re struggling, it’s important to recognize when you might need help,” he said. “Are there aspects of our lives that are suffering? Sleep is usually the first. Any change in behavior, motivation at work, investment in relationships that we have.”

The Mental Health Foundation studied the best ways to deal with problems like anxiety and depression. Experts now offer 11 tips to improve mental health:

Get closer to nature. Learn to understand and manage your feelings. Talk to someone you trust for support. Be aware of using drugs and/or alcohol to cope with difficult feelings. Try to get the most out of your money and get help with problem debts. Get more from your dream. Be kind and help create a better world. Keep moving. Eat healthy foods. Be curious and keep an open mind to new experiences.

“For me, exercise is very important, running and eating healthy,” said Molly Thompson, who looked at the list. Matt Stark is all about getting a good night’s rest.

“I would certainly agree that you [should] get more out of your sleep, because if you don’t sleep decently, that can really affect you,” she said.

Experts also stress that it’s important for parents to listen to their children from an early age to help protect their mental health.

“There’s something in our society that demonizes negative emotions. You know, we don’t want sadness, we don’t want anger, we don’t want stress, but these are all valuable signs that something is going on,” said Dr. Kosoulis.

The foundation’s findings are published in the American Journal of Health Promotion.
