Tips for the Best Dirty Navy Coffee Mug

The Navy may have the most complicated rank structure when it comes to its ranking system, but there is another, much cruder method of establishing rank among sailors: dirty coffee cups.

It’s a common truth in the maritime service that one can tell a superior from a rookie based on how much sludge lives at the bottom of the coffee cup.

So, in the interest of salt, here are some pro tips, from Navy veterans, for getting an optimally seasoned cup.

1. Always drink black coffee. The milk or cream curdles and introduces bacteria into the mixture. Sour lactose creates a hostile environment, not ideal for going years without washing the cup.

2. Drink the entire cup of coffee. Don’t leave a drop behind. You want to season the cup with a light film, not drink yesterday’s coffee every morning.

3. For added flavor, scoop any coffee grounds out of the filter and let them sit in the cup for a few days before throwing it away. Treat your mug like a cast iron skillet.

4. If necessary, lightly rinse it with just a little water. This should only be done in cases where the backlog begins to become unsustainable.

5. Don’t wash the cup with the soap. Always. She may be tempted from time to time to give it a good soak. No. He will lose all seasoning, the respect of his close peers, and any chance of being honorably discharged from the US Navy.

Observation Post is Military Times’ one-stop-shop for all things off-duty. Stories may reflect the author’s observations.

Sarah Sicard is a senior editor at Military Times. She previously served as Digital Editor for Military Times and Editor for Army Times. Her other work can be found in National Defense Magazine, Task & Purpose and Defense News.
