The ‘clean focus’ emphasis on lifestyle

By Lucas Coutinho

New Year! A new challenge awaits you! Bringing new hope to the world! A new feeling of happiness! This is how our New Years Resolution was born! We all secretly have some resolution, even if we deny it, and we work very hard for the first month to make it happen! Slowly our resolve also fades as time goes by, and we all go about our daily routines.

This year, let me spread a message: Don’t make resolutions; make lifestyle changes and take a clean approach!

A shopping bag can reveal a lot about health and the environment. Many platforms have generated a lot of awareness about the importance of a simple diet. This diet focuses on nutrition that cleanses the system and nourishes health.

The ‘clean approach’ extends beyond food segments such as vegetables, fruit and dairy products to beauty and wellness products.

When it comes to “food we eat,” it’s not just about eating gluten-free foods, low-salt foods, or low-fat foods, although all of those things play a role in our diets. The most important thing is what we have in our daily life. What can be done to change and rectify that, and what can be done to improve it? How can we find products that are free of hidden harmful ingredients like preservatives, BPA, and other toxic chemicals?

Similarly, the trend of using natural beauty products started in people between the ages of 25 and 30, however it is now seen among a wide range of generations. Consumers have evolved to choose products like hair care, masks, and facials that are non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

In today’s society, most cosmetic products contain xenoestrogens. Also known as endocrine disruptors, these xenoestrogens can be found in many everyday products. Your toiletry kit consists of xenoestrogens, which can wreak havoc on our hormones and are linked to various health conditions, including obesity, PCOS, and some hormone-dependent cancers.

The following is a five-step approach to living a healthy, chemical-free lifestyle:

We live in an environment polluted by air, water, food and soil. Toxin overload is a reality. Ongoing fatigue and insomnia may mean your body requires a change in focus. Our body requires the liver to expel toxins; however, toxins accumulate in the body when the liver is damaged. A person’s eating habits reflect the lifestyle they lead. We tend to load our livers with too many toxins.

Choose ethically produced products: TThere are many brands available on the market that are not well known, but when it comes to working ethically, they are the best. We must move to such platforms or open markets for our benefit.

Buy honest products: How many of you read food product labels before making a purchase? How many of you believe that the information on the front of the package is accurate? This is where marketing comes into play. Find brands and products that provide honest information about their products and don’t hide any messages.

Cook with cold-pressed oils instead of refined oils: Refined oils cause inflammation and is the root cause of every lifestyle disease we know of, from diabetes to cancer. Saving money by using refined oils is not a wise decision. For optimal health, choose the right type and amount of oil. You may have to spend a little more, but remember that your health is an investment, not an expense.

Consider organic and chemical-free products: Consumers looking for organic and chemical-free products are increasingly concerned about their health and what’s in it. No artificial chemicals, toxic pesticides, or genetically modified organisms are used to produce organic food. Also, when a product is formulated with natural ingredients and does not contain synthetic components, it can qualify as organic. It has become increasingly popular with consumers in recent years to replace everyday products with organic and chemical-free alternatives. For a longer shelf life, organic foods contain no preservatives or wax. Because organic foods are grown naturally, they are healthier and more nutritious than regular foods. However, living a cleaner life is the most effective method.

GMO free: Organic products do not contain genetically modified organisms. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or Genetically Modified (GE) Foods are plants with altered DNA that cannot be produced naturally or through crossbreeding. These products are free of antibiotics and hormones, free of toxins, free of fresh foods, rich in nutrients and 100% natural.

Changes to your lifestyle can make a big difference in the quality of your life and you can live a cleaner, healthier life.

(The author is a Co – Founder The article is for informational purposes only. Please consult with medical experts and health professionals before starting any therapy, medication and/or remedy. Opinions expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of
