Surefire Ways to Live an Incredibly Healthy Lifestyle, Science Says: Eat This, Not That

If there’s one big, fat, juicy secret you might want to hear, it’s how to add more healthy years to your life. Of course, there can always be runaway obstacles along your journey that can negatively affect your plan, such as genetics, illness, or fate. But there are a lot of things you can control, and we’re here to share seven surefire ways to lead an incredibly healthy lifestyle, based on science. If that intrigues you, read on.

The great secret to living a better and longer life is to adopt seven simple and healthy lifestyle habits. The biggest key to being successful in maintaining these habits is consistency. It’s one thing to know what positive changes you need to make; it’s another thing to bring them to fruition. The reward will be worth every bit of time and effort you put into your journey. Not only will you look and feel much better as you age by living an incredibly healthy lifestyle, but you’ll also be able to enjoy your family, friends, hobbies, whatever you choose, for longer.

Harvard researchers reviewed two studies of 123,000 women and men over a 30-year period and calculated the life expectancy of participants who were not living a healthy routine. They calculated that the life expectancy of 50-year-old women who did not follow a healthy routine was 79 years; for men, it was 75 years. For those participants who maintained a regular healthy routine and maintained a few key habits that we are about to share with you, life expectancy increased dramatically. Drum roll please! For women in their 50s, life expectancy skyrocketed to 93 years and life expectancy for men increased to 87 years. Pretty amazing, don’t you agree? Although the study was observational and can’t guarantee you a longer life, the researchers found that even adopting a single healthy habit can greatly lower your risk of premature death.

Dr. Frank Hu, lead author of the study and chair of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, notes: “It’s never too late to make positive lifestyle changes. Even for those in their 70s years or more, following a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a healthy diet and being physically active, can add more years to life.

If you are ready to implement positive changes and increase your life journey, let’s do it right away! Read on to learn more about the foolproof ways to lead an unbelievably healthy lifestyle, and then don’t miss The 6 Best Exercises For Strong, Toned Arms In 2022, Says The Coach.

happy mature couple demonstrating cardiovascular habits that slow agingShutterstock

Exercise offers an extraordinary number of health benefits. Exercising every day can improve your mood, strengthen your bones, and prevent a host of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and many more. Aerobic activities are extraordinarily healthy for the heart; Even walking every day can make a big difference in your overall well-being.

Ready to strap on those sneakers and start your cardio? Research shows you should get a minimum of 3.5 hours each week at a moderate-to-vigorous level of activity (via the National Institutes of Health). Sure, you can start small and work your way up. But the point is to move every day, and by doing so, you’ll give yourself the gift of many more wake-up days for years to come!

Related: What the science says about exercise habits that slow aging

woman cooking with bell peppers for an amazing healthy lifestyleShutterstock

You are what you eat. Eliminate any bad habits of consuming empty or unhealthy calories. Instead, be sure to fill your meals with the recommended amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, omega-3 fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Limit your intake of red and processed meats, plus any beverages that contain added sugar, sodium, and trans fats (via the National Institutes of Health).

Also get in the habit of reading labels when you go shopping. To make it that much easier, if the ingredient label has enough items listed to make your head spin, chances are it’s not that healthy.

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Simply put, maintaining a healthy weight will extend your life. What is healthy? Your body mass index should be between 18.5 and 24.9 (via the National Institutes of Health). Women should have a waist of less than 35 inches and men should have a waist of less than 40 inches, according to AARP. Any higher value puts you at greater risk of getting sick. While it’s easy (and normal) for weight to creep up in your 50s, it’s not healthy.

AARP explains that as you age, you need fewer calories. The problem is that some people continue to eat the same amount of food. You’re not going to like hearing this, but if you’re 50 and still eating like you’re still 40, you can gain more than a pound of fat each month. Dr. Nancy Rodriguez, a professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Connecticut, explains, “It’s really simple,” adding, “If your calorie burn goes down and you don’t change the way you eat, then you’re going to Put weight.”

What to do about it? Once you turn 50, it’s time to think about the 200-calorie rule. Just try to eat 200 fewer calories each day. But even better than focusing on consuming fewer calories? Consume better calories. By choosing snacks with protein and fiber, you can cut 200 calories from your intake in no time.

Related: The #1 Workout for an Unbelievably Healthy Lifestyle, Says Coach

happy man sleeping in his clean home to lead amazing healthy lifestyleShutterstock

Not getting enough sleep has been linked to serious chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity, leading to a shorter life. Getting enough sleep is just as healthy an ingredient for your overall wellness as exercise and proper nutrition, so don’t skip those Zs!

woman saying no to red wine for an incredibly healthy lifestyleShutterstock

What’s a long life if you can’t enjoy it, right? Okay, we didn’t say don’t drink anything. All we’re saying is drink moderately. That generally means that one drink on a given day for women and two drinks on a given day for men should be the maximum, according to AARP. Anything more than that can shorten its longevity.

One trick that might make it easier to consume less alcohol is to use a white wine glass (which is thinner) when drinking red wine. Any other advice? If you pour wine into a glass while it’s on the table (instead of holding it in your hand to pour it), you’ll tend to pour less, according to Brian Wansink, director of the Food and Brand Laboratory at Cornell University.

say no to tobacco for an incredibly healthy lifestyleShutterstock

Smoking does a lot of damage to your body. In fact, according to one study, each cigarette you smoke can apparently take 11 minutes off your life. And that’s just one! Every time you inhale, carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) rises in your bloodstream, causing damage to almost every one of your organs.

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The final key habit that will help you lead an incredibly healthy lifestyle is staying in touch with the ones you love. Friendships are good for the soul. Research has shown that having strong relationships can reduce the risk of death by up to 50%. Those who are alone increase their risk of death by 26%.
