Safety Tips for Small Businesses – City of Roseville

RPD is grateful for Roseville’s small businesses and wants them to have a safe and successful Small Business Saturday this coming November 26, as well as a prosperous holiday shopping season this year.

Part of small business success is deterring crime. Crimes against small businesses cut into already slim profit margins. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, crime is a factor in 30% of all small business closings.

There are some simple practices and policies that small businesses can use to deter crime.

Natural Surveillance

Use “natural surveillance” as much as possible.

Have a clear view of all areas within the business, with no observable dark areas where thieves can hide signs of their theft.

Do not cover windows with screens or signs. Unobstructed windows give passers-by and police a clear view of the business and the ability to see anything suspicious.

Trim any exterior landscaping to below 3′ and any trees trimmed to at least 7′

Keep all interior and exterior areas of the store well lit

Natural surveillance can be complemented with mechanical surveillance, that is, video surveillance cameras. These tools are relatively inexpensive today, both with DIY systems and through security companies. Make sure all cameras are strategically placed covering entry and exit points, high-value goods, and point-of-sale areas. Cameras should be placed low enough to provide good views of people’s faces and clothing.

Access control

Have public access to your business clearly marked and/or defined. Whenever possible, use landscaping to discourage people from easily accessing areas not intended for public use.

Have glass doors and low windows, reinforced with protective films or special glazing. Use a more secure deadbolt on glass doors.

Always block windows that open

For other business access doors, use ones that are reinforced and use deadbolts, which require thieves to have more than a basic tool to gain entry. Full-length security bars can be installed on rear doors or other non-customer doors to protect entry. full length of contact jamb

Check that all doors and windows are closed before leaving the business (it is helpful to have a closing checklist)

Other tips to “harden the target”:

Ensure that all doors leading to private or employee-only areas within the store remain closed and locked when not in active use. Have any areas that are not open to the public clearly marked.

Empty the records at night and leave the record drawer empty and open; this shows thieves that there is nothing to steal.

Leave some interior lights on at night to give the impression that someone may still be working.

Don’t leave discarded boxes outside; new boxes indicate that there is new merchandise or equipment stored inside. Break up all boxes and drop them off at a local recycling facility.

Display the most expensive items near the center of the store and not near the exits, making it easy for “to-go” thefts.

Have a policy regarding deliveries made to the business during business hours to ensure delivered items are promptly insured.

Employee training

Attentive and helpful employees are one of the best deterrents to crime in any business.

Remind employees to stay vigilant both while they are working and when they arrive and leave.

Train employees to stop and question anyone who does not work for the company who appears to be loitering or lost on the business, especially anyone attempting to enter administrative/storage areas.

Train employees to call the police immediately if they see anything suspicious or an emergency situation.
