Public speaking tips to help you succeed in your presentation

LLike many people, I have never been a big fan of public speaking. There’s something so jarring about standing in front of an audience, with all eyes on you. While I used to avoid public speaking at all costs for that same anxiety-provoking reason, in recent years I’ve become more comfortable with the idea of ​​speaking in front of an audience thanks to being on panels and performing at my alma mater.

While I didn’t have a list of public speaking tips to help me prepare for such events, I now know how helpful it would have been if I had. With that in mind, I spoke to some public speaking experts about their best tricks for overcoming the fear of public speaking. Read on to add them to your repertoire.

Expert Public Speaking Tips

1. Know the audience in advance.

No matter what topic you’re talking about, it helps to know the people you’re introducing them to. “Before you speak, you need to have an idea of ​​your audience’s knowledge level, expectations, and demographics,” says Daniel Mangena, public speaker, best-selling author, broadcaster, and coach. “This will not only make you feel more comfortable and calm, but you will also be able to resonate and connect on a deeper level.”

2. It’s about the message, not you.

Instead of worrying about what your audience thinks of you, reframe your mindset to see how they’ll feel about your message. “It can be really easy to get into your own head and feel pressure when all eyes are on you,” says posing expert and self-confident TikTok star Christine Buzan. “Instead of worrying about how you are perceived, focus first on the goal you are trying to achieve through your message. I’ve found that the most compelling speeches do one of three things: entertain, inspire, or educate.” With that in mind, Buzan says to think about your desired end goal, not fear of judgment. “How do you want your audience to feel? What do you want them to do? What value do you want them to take away?” she urges you to ask yourself before your next big speech. By focusing on the big picture and the purpose of her speech, she says doubts will fall by the wayside.

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Hypnotist, holistic health coach, and founder of SIVA Wellness, Sarah Donner, agrees. “Shift the focus from you to them,” she says.

3. Keep an outline.

An easy way to keep the focus on your audience, as opposed to yourself, is to keep an outline detailing everything you want to share with them so they get the most out of your presentation. “Start with your main goal and present three or four stories or facts that articulate your goal,” says Buzan. But whatever you do, don’t just keep your eyes glued to your outline. “It’s called public speaking, not public reading,” Buzan reminds us.

4. Connect with the organizer to identify their intent for the event.

Not sure where to start with your outline? Chat with the organizer of the event you’re speaking at for guidance. “Depending on the organizer’s level of commitment to your speech, you’ll want to establish rapport with them ahead of time,” Mangena, author of Stepping Beyond Intention. “This will allow both of you to be aligned with the greater purpose of your talk and the event as a whole. It can be obvious when a speech isn’t genuine or seems disjointed, so establishing values ​​and calls to action is imperative.”

5. Practice, practice, practice.

As with anything, practice makes perfect (or at least very close). With that in mind, Donner suggests practicing your speech in front of loved ones, especially those who are new to the field you’re speaking in. “They can let you know if it will make sense to everyone in the room, regardless of their prior knowledge,” he explains. “For example; If you’re the bridesmaid, we already know that you and the bride share a lot of inside jokes, but take this moment to share something that will touch all guests equally, no matter how close they are to the couple.”

6. Record yourself practicing.

Buzan recommends recording yourself while practicing. “I’ve found it most helpful to do two recorded tours,” she says. “I always tell the people I work with to practice their poses in front of a mirror to get comfortable. This is no different. Practicing in front of a mirror helps me objectively look at my body language and listen to my presentation.”

7. Find your rhythm.

If you are nervous about speaking to an audience, there is a strong possibility that you may unconsciously execute your speech at such a high speed that it is difficult to understand. Obviously, you don’t want that to happen. As such, Buzan says he should study other successful speakers to determine what he admires about his presentations and ultimately mimic his pace and delivery. “Where do they stop? Do they emphasize specific words or parts of your message? Do they engage the audience or play with their cues? Try it when you practice,” she says.

8. Believe what you say.

If your goal is to convince and/or inspire your audience, it is important that you speak with passion. “When the audience sees that you are passionate and confident in what you say, you will find that they will be more willing to listen and trust you,” says Mangena. “It goes without saying, but never make a speech about something you don’t believe in.”

9. Stay true to your personality.

Another thing you don’t want to do while speaking to an audience? Appear inauthentic. “A public speaking engagement, especially when you’re giving a toast to a group of people who know you, is not the time to try out a new persona,” says Buzan. “Of course, public speaking takes you out of your comfort zone, but think about further amplifying aspects of your personality to set yourself apart. If you’re good at explaining things, go for it. If you’re dumb, let your inner clown kind of shine through. Think about maximizing your strengths instead of revamping your personality.”

10. Take advantage of your space.

If you have a stage to present, use it, don’t just stand there and talk. “Use your space and environment to your advantage so you can better connect with your audience,” says Buzan. “I talk about this a lot in my posing guides, but the same advice applies when speaking in public or posing for the camera. Don’t be afraid to relate to your environment in a reasonable way.”

Be honest. You don’t have to know everything, even about the topics you’re talking about. “If you don’t know all the facts about a topic, be honest and own up to it,” says Mangena. “The audience will appreciate this honesty and, in turn, trust you more.”

11. Consider hypnotherapy.

If all of these tips and tricks do little to quell your fear of public speaking, Donner says hypnotherapy can help. “The biggest misconception is that we are afraid of public speaking, when in reality most of us are afraid of making a mistake, not being good enough, smart enough, or funny enough to be an opinion leader or to speak in public,” he says. “Most of these beliefs come from our childhood. We accept them as part of our personality and label it as shyness or nervousness. Hypnotherapy is an incredible tool to get to the root of these limiting beliefs, break them down and strengthen your self-esteem.”
