Ooblets: 10 Helpful Tips for Newcomers

After growing up in early access for two years, Ooblets is finally sprouting today in its 1.0 form. The fun game combines monster collecting (the Ooblets), farming simulation, and light town management as you restore a crazy town to its former glory. While it’s an overall laid-back experience, there are a lot of turntables involved, and it can take time to figure out how to max out each day to keep your farm brimming with valuable crops, your roster full of different Ooblets, and your wallet stretched with Gummies (the game’s currency). ). That’s where I come in. I spent many hours playing the final version of the game and would like to offer some helpful tips to make your first few hours in Badgetown as enjoyable and efficient as possible.

Keep a variety of crops growing at all times

In addition to the Ooblets themselves, crops are essential to completing the most important and lucrative tasks in the game. You’ll always need a healthy variety of produce on hand because obtaining wild Ooblets requires players to have specific crops, or dishes made from them, to challenge them to dance battles, the game’s fun version of combat. Other tasks, like delivering packages of certain fruits and vegetables, can make for good change.

That’s why you should always set aside funds to routinely purchase new seeds from the various grow shops in Badgetown and beyond. He never allows his farm to remain barren and idle for long. Crops can take days to grow, and it sucks when you need a vegetable to progress that you haven’t grown or planted. Create as much extra performance as you can and you’ll hit your goals much faster.

Do not skimp on cleaning your farm of scrap

It’s easy to wake up each morning and be tempted to stop cleaning your yard once you see it littered with weeds, logs, and rocks day after day. Don’t be lazy. These pesky monstrosities, specifically stones and wood, reward nurneys and planks, essential crafting ingredients you’ll always need. Occasionally breaking down these items also rewards a seed. Look at your farm as a gold mine of replenishing critical materials because it is, and tap into it as often as you can. You’ll be glad you did.

fishing matters

As someone who generally ignores fishing minigames, the Ooblets version became an all-in activity. For one thing, this isn’t even a minigame since you don’t do any manual labor. Simply cast your line and you will automatically win a random prize. Using various types of baits, obtained by breaking down unwanted inventory items on a nearby machine, generates useful items such as fertilizers that speed up crop production, extra planks, and other things.

Prioritize inventory updates, early automatic watering tools

You collect a lot of different things in Ooblets, which means your pockets fill up fast. The game already has you running around a lot to grab materials, so minimize this by increasing your inventory slots as soon as possible. Purchasing backpacks or fanny packs from Kibbonbon, the local clothing store, will accomplish this. Be sure to also upgrade your Kibbonbon selection by spending Wishies, the secondary in-game currency earned by completing special tasks, at the Wishing Well in Badgetown. Doing this unlocks backpacks with even more space.

On the same note, go ahead and purchase additional storage chests for your home as well. The starter case only has six slots, and you’ll quickly fill it up with items you won’t have a use for at the start. Chests are sold at Manatwee, the furniture store.

Manually watering your crops is not a difficult task, but it does consume precious time, especially as your farm expands. Invest in equipment that will do the work for you sooner rather than later, like turret-style water guns and sprinklers. You’ll need to unlock blueprints for these tools at the wishing well and then craft them with the “maker” in Manatwee.

Don’t try to fit it all into one day

Despite my advice on efficiency, Ooblets encourages players to take their time. Since the game works on a day/night cycle, your energy gradually depletes (although you can replenish it by eating), and you actually need to sleep at night. So it’s smart to know where to focus your efforts during your waking hours. Removing everything on the to-do list helps, but I found it more effective to spend my days focusing on one or two important things, like acquiring/planting crops, assembling new equipment/buildings, or completing a campaign mission. Your attention becomes more and more divided as more jobs come along, and it’s often better to focus on knocking out the big priorities one or two at a time than slowly shredding everything on your to-do list.

You can take short naps to recharge energy

For the first few hours, I thought that going to bed early would instantly happen the next day. However, going to bed before dark only counts as a nap, moving time forward an hour or so while you replenish some energy. This is a good method to recover extra energy when you are short on snacks or want to save money to buy them. So rest; you probably need it.

Check The Wildlands And Dance Barn Regularly

The Wildlands is a nature reserve and one of Ooblets’ long-term restoration projects. The goal is to restore each part of the reserve by completing a single daily task. Sometimes you have to release a certain type of Ooblet into the wild; other times, some dying plants have to be watered. Once you complete your work, you have to wait until tomorrow to see what the next one entails. Because this quest takes place on a drip feed, the fastest way to complete it is to check the Wildlands quest board every day. This became part of my morning routine; sometimes, I can get a job on the spot, or it’s something I can complete on the way to another destination.

Dance Barn won’t unlock until you’ve leveled up a few times, but it hosts daily dance battle tournaments to win a prize. This reward changes every day, and a clever program reveals in advance the prizes offered every day for that particular week. Keep an eye on this schedule regularly to avoid missing out on valuable and hard-to-earn prizes like important crafting blueprints and food recipes.

Both destinations can be easy to overlook in the face of a plethora of short-term goals. Try to keep them in mind.

Check the interiors frequently

Shops and buildings often contain hidden goodies such as recipe pieces, crafting materials, gummies, and more. They also hide special club coins (used for the later game). It’s easy to forget to do this after all the outdoor activities, and sticking your head into each building every day can be tedious. But try to do it every other day if you can, because you will probably be rewarded for your curiosity. On that same note…

Lost Ooblets can hide inside buildings

The townspeople regularly lose their Ooblet partners and always ask you to look for them (because they obviously don’t love them enough to look for them themselves). Badgetown is big enough that I assumed for a while that they would be hiding outside, which frustrated me as I poked around every bush or tree with no luck. Lost Ooblets can often be found outdoors, but they also hide inside many shops and houses, so be sure to scavenge indoors as well. You’ll thank me later.

You can only open your shop once a day

This is more of a warning based on my own stupidity. Eventually, you’ll open your own store, allowing you to sell your inventory for a profit. You can sell whatever you want, but there is a weekly events calendar that lists the desired item for each day.

For example, I opened on a Sunday, which was the day of the figurines. After opening my doors, I realized that all my figurines were stored at home. I closed the store, ran home to retrieve them, put them on the displays and tried to reopen them. That’s when I learned that you can only open once a day: you can’t go out for lunch or run errands. Basically, make sure you have exactly what you want/need to sell before flipping that sign over, otherwise you’ll end up wasting an entire day that could have been spent collecting gummies.

Hopefully these tips will make your first few hours at Ooblets more productive. You can purchase the game now on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC through The Epic Games Store.

Source: www.gameinformer.com