Nine Tips to Help Introverted Entrepreneurs Approach Public Relations with Confidence and Success

For an introverted or shy businessman, public relations may not be a favorite activity, but it is necessary. Without good public relations, he can’t deliver a positive message about his company or connect effectively with potential stakeholders, both of whom are vital to growing his business.

If networking and talking about your business doesn’t come naturally to you, members of the Young Entrepreneur Council have some tips that can help you improve. Below, they discuss these tips and how they can help introverted or shy entrepreneurs successfully (and confidently) get through any PR activity they may need to engage in for the good of their business.

Members represented from left to right.

Photos courtesy of individual members.

1. Reframe your mindset around public relations

If in doubt, rephrase the problem. I am shy myself and public relations used to be torture. He felt fake and inauthentic. In hindsight, I invested little in anything to do with talking to people, especially strangers and especially on stage. Now that I think about it, it’s pretty clear to me that this isn’t shy; it’s that I didn’t understand or appreciate the “why” behind all these things. It is now abundantly clear to me that as the CEO of a tech startup, I am obligated to get our story out there. I see exactly how important it is to our progress and also to the potential customers we can reach and help. What used to feel like “inauthentic communication” now feels like storytelling, and I’m in love with the story. It’s all about framing. -Alex Furman, Performica

2. Focus on quality over quantity

I wouldn’t say I’m an introvert, but like many, I’ve been afraid of approaching new people at some point. However, to overcome that and build sustainable relationships, I developed a strategy that led me to the right people in many industries: I never go to an event trying to meet everyone in the building. For example, if I’m participating in a conference, my task is to find out who is the most influential and well-connected person in the room. In this case, the organizer is So instead of going person to person, I look for a way to befriend the organizer, and I’m usually introduced to the most relevant people at the conference. In short, the best advice I can give you is to do your homework and focus on quality rather than quantity. -Alexandru Stan, Tekpon

3. Get over your fear (and your comfort zone)

As someone who is very introverted by nature but is a public relations professional, I’ve learned that in order to combat any feelings of shyness or introversion, it’s important for business owners to get out of their comfort zones, get involved in public relations, and “do it.” anyway. Business owners must overcome any fear they may have in order to get the job done. The more they do it, the easier it will be. -Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC

4. Practice and prepare

My advice to an introverted or shy business owner looking to confidently succeed in any public relations endeavor is to practice ahead of time. It is important to consider how to answer questions and talk about your business clearly and concisely. Having a few “go to” statements ready can help you feel more confident when it comes time to do any public relations activity. Also, practice ahead of time with a friend or colleague to help you feel more comfortable and confident with your message. Practicing also helps ensure that you are prepared ahead of time. -Jay Dahal, Machnet

5. Start small and work your way up

One piece of advice I have is to start small. If you are introverted or shy, public relations activities can be overwhelming. But if you start small and build gradually, you’ll build confidence and eventually be able to handle anything that comes your way. For example, start by attending local networking events. These events are usually smaller and more intimate, so you get a chance to meet people before you start promoting your business. Once you’re comfortable with that, you can start attending larger events and even speaking at engagements. It’s also important to remember that you don’t have to be the center of attention. You can still succeed in public relations by being a player behind the scenes. Just find the role that makes you feel most comfortable and play it. – Andrew Munro, WP Affiliate

6. Browse settings one by one

Reduce activities to one-on-one conversations whenever possible. If the larger configurations are unwieldy, try reducing them down to your comfort level, whether that’s 15 people, five people, or two. When you are in an environment that works for you, it will take a lot of pressure off of you and allow you to play to your strengths. If the problem is talking about generalities with a large group, the same strategy applies. When you’re in a smaller setting, people will ask questions and then you can naturally respond in a way that builds the relationship and plays to your strengths. -Liam Leonard, LIONSCOVE

7. Focus on your business, not yourself

A helpful tip is to realize that other people aren’t judging and scrutinizing you as much as you think, which is the number one fear an introvert can have. When doing public relations activities, try to remember that the focus is on your business, not you as a person. Focus on sharing the story of your business and what it has to offer. This will help distract from any anxiety or shyness you’re feeling. – Syed Balkhi, WP beginner

8. Share through writing

If you’re shy, you don’t always have to do live webinars, talks, and in-person networking. Focus on becoming a good writer, create a profile on Medium or a social platform and start conveying your ideas and vision through your writing. Many of the most influential people in history have defined the future and their success by sharing their ideas through the power of writing. The pen is always more powerful. -Andy Karuza, Nacho Nacho

9. Appoint someone to help

One of the best tips I would suggest is to appoint a representative to deal with social issues on your behalf. People who move away from social media have probably been introverts all their lives, so they can’t expect to get over this overnight. It’s part of a person’s personality, so even if you try to get over it, the transformation can take months or even years. During all of that, there will be countless missed opportunities. Therefore, it is best that you appoint a specialist in networking and public relations. Meanwhile, build your confidence and try to overcome your fears. We often hire people for their skills, and this scenario is no exception. – Stephanie Wells, Formidable Shapes
