Mom’s viral TikTok nails all the feelings of childhood vs. Newly born

There is no mother alive who is not fully aware of the concept of “the days are long but the years are short”, because we are living it. Every moment, we are living it. And this mom’s viral TikTok, with Bing Bong audio of “Inside Out,” is going to completely gut you. Because it’s beautiful, painful and exciting, all at the same time.

“When your kid starts to grow up a little bit, you get a little bit of your independence back and you start to feel like yourself again,” the video begins, showing TikTok user @_itsbrianam in independent mom mode.

You can listen to “Bing Bong, We Made It” by Amy Poehler. audio of this part of the viral TikTok video. Those familiar with “Inside Out” know the beauty and angst of Riley’s imaginary friend, Bing Bong, who helps Joy get to the top of the long-term memory part of Riley’s headquarters.

That audio is the perfect soundtrack to this video for many deeply emotional reasons.

Related: Mom’s Viral TikTok Nails the Emotional Rollercoaster of Letting Your Kids Sleep in Your Bed

The next shot in the video is the mom herself, hair up in a messy bun, pretending to hold a newborn baby, looking and feeling like everyone else during those endless exhausting newborn days.

“The part of you that will always be a new mom sitting alone in a nursery, rocking her newborn, wondering how the hell you’re going to get through this.”

The “new mom” is seen cheering the newly independent mom on with tears in her eyes, and honestly, it’s the most perfect description of the phases of motherhood I’ve ever seen.

The second part of the audio is of Bing Bong, Riley’s old imaginary friend again, reciting his famous line: “You did it! Go, go save Riley! Fly her to the moon for me.”

That audio coupled with the image of a new mom rocking a newborn is an automatic, guaranteed trip to Tissue Town. PHEW. IS THERE DUST HERE?

And of course, it’s resonating with moms all over TikTok: in the comments section, in stitches, duets, etc. Because we all know those feelings very well.

Related: This Viral Video Has Moms Everywhere Feeling So Seen (And Crying)

For me, the newborn stage was the most difficult. Sure, I know they sleep all day and are so little and sweet they can’t talk back (or have you chase them around the house while chewing coins, but I digress). I know that. And I loved all those parts of the newborn phase and more.

But it was the hardest part for me for exactly the reasons shown in this video: total loss of self. The loss of his old identity. The loss of their independence and free time. The loss of breasts that don’t hurt from being cracked and bleeding all day. Hair loss and clean clothes. The loss of the world outside your cocoon of new motherhood, I struggled. Great time. Postpartum anxiety and depression hit me hard.

And yet, while childhood is exhausting in many other ways, it is not an all-encompassing phase of life. Because they don’t need you for every little thing every day. You meet again. You are able to take time for yourself again. You begin to get back in touch with your own needs, wants, and desires.

Thinking of New Mom Me chokes me up, because the first time around she didn’t realize there was an expiration date for the newborn and baby phases because she couldn’t see that far. Life didn’t exist outside of nursing, naps, spit-ups, blowouts, witching hour, and never knowing if you’re doing the right thing, for yourself or your baby.

Now that I’m out of the “thickness,” I wish I could show the New Mom Me, anxious beyond sanity and covered in breast milk as she gazed longingly out my living room window, that I’m on a trip to the moon. with my two girls. The phases are fleeting, it is true, but we are on this journey for life.
