Liver King shares practical tips for living the ‘ancestral lifestyle’ – Fitness Volt

social media sensation liver king gained popularity for eating raw meat and organs. He believes in living a natural lifestyle based on what our ancestors were like. In a recent video uploaded to The Diary of a CEO’s YouTube account, King shared some practical tips for living the ‘ancestral lifestyle’ based on the nine principles.

liver king, formerly known as Bryan Johnson, first gained notoriety for his incredibly muscular physique and grueling workouts. He promotes an ancestral way of life, based on the nine principles that he personally follows together with his wife and children. After sharing clips of himself eating raw meat online, he quickly amassed more than 1.6 million followers who he likes to call ‘primaries’.

Although King claimed that it is stylish, many people are suspicious about the veracity of his claims. UFC color commentator and popular podcast host Joe Rogan doesn’t believe in King’s philosophy and dismissed the idea that he’s a natural. According to Rogan, King is simply doing a stunt and doesn’t have a natural body.

Apparently, former UFC heavyweight and now podcast host Brendan Schaub argues that most people can’t live the Liver King lifestyle, which is why people despise him. Like Mark Bell, Schaub himself was unclear whether Johnson possessed a natural physique or not.

Liver King talks about the benefits of following a natural lifestyle

In a recent video uploaded to The Diary of a CEO’s YouTube account, Liver King explained the benefits of following a lifestyle based on the nine ancient principles.

Having spent time with tribes in the wild, he shared his experience of how modern primitive cultures live.

“They are happy as f**k. They are kicking our asses in life and they have nothing,” King said. “As soon as you start meeting them, you feel it. You feel how happy, how satisfied they are. They are laughing, they are smiling. Many of these things, it is very clear. They don’t have shoes. One of the ancestral principles is to connect, they are connected to the earth 24/7 365 (days). Due to modern shoes, raised beds, buildings and the like, we almost never come into contact with the real earth anymore…

Many people will say (that they came into contact with the real land) the last time they were on the beach. I was like, ‘what were you doing?’ They’re like, ‘oh yeah, I was with my wife, we were holding hands, we were walking on the beach, in the sun.’ I’m like, ‘how did she make you feel?’ They say, ‘it’s one of the best memories’”.

King reported what he learned from the tribes and shared evidence of what he saw during his time with them.

“Earth has a slightly negative charge. We are electrophysical beings, every cell is electrical in nature and by default you see all the tribes of primitive cultures connecting with the earth almost 24/7/365. This is one of them”.

“They are in the sun most of the day. They barely wear clothes, they get a lot of sun. Bonding is necessary in this culture. Everyone knows their purpose, everyone knows what their job is. When we go hunting, everyone knows who the lead hunter is, they don’t have to say anything.”

Liver King Sit-upsliver king

He shared some tips on how one can sleep better.

“Some of the easy things you can do to sleep better are finishing your last meal 3-4 hours before bedtime, sunbathing early in the morning at the same time every day. This helps set your biocircadian rhythm so your body knows when to be alert and awake rather than sleepy. Most people don’t realize this, if you really want to set your sleep start first thing in the morning.

Get early morning sun across your eyes, face, and skin first thing in the morning. So, sunbathe early in the morning, finish your last meal 3-4 hours before bed, take the sunset as the final environmental cue that the day is ending, and then try to block out these artificial lights, like glasses. that block out blue light or just have firelight or candlelight in the house.”

He compared the ancient way of life with today’s primitive cultures and commented on how they already follow the way of life.

“By default, they do all these things. They already do all these things. The way they eat, there are no processed foods, no vegetable seed oils, no liquid calories. They eat the whole animal, from the snout to the tail… With the Maasai, what they eat is blood, milk and meat. That’s all they eat.

Liver King shared some practical tips for living a lifestyle based on the 9 Ancient Principles.

“Now we’re bombarded with all these non-native signals, non-native chemicals. I always tell people, take your phone out of your pocket, put it on airplane mode if you’re not using it, at least when you’re sleeping. Please turn off your wi-fi router when you are sleeping. There are some really basic things we can do. Stop wearing petrochemical clothing, stop wearing xenoestrogen-laden perfume. All of these foreign substances wreak havoc on the endocrine system.”

liver kingliver king

Liver King’s 9 Ancestral Life Principles


The Liver King had recently revealed his blood test in a satirical response to Rogan. He put on a play in which he visits the doctor to get the test results from him. It turned out that he was the doctor in the skit and showed that the results were “primary”.

You can watch the full video below.

Liver King’s mission is to inspire others to live happier, more fulfilling lives by applying the nine principles of ancient living.
