Liver Alcohol: Lifestyle Hack: How Much Alcohol Should You Consume

The liver is a powerful organ that performs many complex functions for the normal functioning of the body. It is a vital bodily organ without which a person cannot survive; therefore, keeping it healthy and happy through a holistic approach is critical.

Alcohol consumption is one of the lifestyle habits that contributes to chronic liver disease. One of the main causes of liver damage, known as alcohol-related liver disease, is alcohol use (ARLD). Years of alcohol abuse can cause the liver to become inflamed and swollen. This damage can also lead to scarring, known as cirrhosis, the final stage of liver disease.

Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of how much and how often you drink alcohol to determine if and to what extent your drinking has caused any harm.

According to Drinkaware, alcohol-related fatty liver disease develops in 90 percent of people who consume more than 40 g of alcohol, or four units, per day. According to the organization, it’s roughly the equivalent of two medium glasses (175 mL) of 12% ABV (Alcohol by Volume) wine or less than two pints of regular beer (4% ABV).

One of the functions of our liver is to break down potentially toxic substances such as alcohol. When we drink, various enzymes in our liver work to break down alcohol and help it pass out of our bodies. However, drinking more than our liver can handle can cause liver damage. This initially manifests as an increase in fat in our liver, but can eventually lead to inflammation and a buildup of scar tissue.

Although the liver can regenerate itself, some liver cells die every time you filter alcohol. The liver can regenerate new cells, but chronic alcohol abuse can reduce its ability to regenerate over time. This can cause severe and permanent liver damage. Reducing the amount to zero can help reverse the damage and reduce the risk of disease progression.

Aside from heavy alcohol use, being overweight or obese and having a pre-existing liver condition, such as hepatitis C, are risk factors for developing ARLD. Women appear to be more vulnerable than men to the harmful effects of alcohol. Alcoholism and problems processing alcohol often run in families, so genetics is also important.

ARLD usually does not cause symptoms until the liver has been severely damaged. Therefore, it is recommended that preventative liver damage screening be included in routine health checkups, particularly for those who regularly consume alcohol. Standard screening tests include a complete blood count (CBC), a liver function test including a liver enzyme test, an abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan, an abdominal ultrasound, and a liver biopsy.

If symptoms are present or at a later stage, they can include inflammation of the liver, which can cause discomfort in the upper right part of our abdomen. Symptoms of ARLD include fatigue, unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Yellowing of the eyes and skin, as well as swelling of the ankles, may also occur. A damaged liver can also cause confusion, drowsiness, and blood in the vomit or stool.

(Dr. Amrita Singh, Head of Laboratory Services (Delhi), Neuberg Diagnostics)
