Lifestyle brands got richer from the lockdown. Now nobody wants what they’re selling

Within days of the first COVID-19 lockdown beginning, along with panic buying, toilet paper stockpiling, and general shopping chaos, we saw the surge of various “it” products, things we eagerly tried and that we often failed to buy, which left us envious. of others if they had managed to acquire what was now fashionable and scarce.

These items included Nintendo switches, second monitors for the new home office, yeast and sourdough starter, desk chairs with lumbar support, and, most infamously, nice stretch pants. But among these pandemic-specific purchases, none were as notorious, coveted and ridiculed as the Platoon.

The stationary exercise bike was already synonymous with the elite, seen as a glamorous indulgence for yummy mummies and techies who could afford its £2,000 price tag, as well as the £39 monthly subscription fee for fitness-specific classes. fitness that the company is dedicated to. the attached screens of the bike.

In early 2020, Peloton quickly became shorthand for frivolous spending and a symbol of the chilling contrast between the lockdown experiences of the wealthy and most people. Sales skyrocketed, and the company doubled its sales by the end of that summer.

But as we crept into 2021, it started to experience some major PR issues. After removing some of his clip-on pedals due to reported injuries, a child’s death was linked to one of his products, making headlines around the world.

Just a few months later, the company saw its stock drop by 11 percent when, on the premiere episode of the Sex and the City reboot, And Just Like That, a story aired in which a character died of a heart attack. heart after taking a ride in his platoon. It didn’t help that in January of this year, another TV show, Billions, featured a plot with an almost identical character arc. By 2022, demand had dropped so significantly that the company reduced its overall production of products.

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Now that the world is well away from the adopted lockdown lifestyle, Peloton’s fitness empire is suffering: As of August 25, down 28% year-on-year, the company posted quarterly losses of $1.2 billion ($1 billion). of pounds sterling). sixth consecutive quarter that it has lost money.

There was a serious, and not unfounded, belief during the first 18 months of the pandemic that the new habits we had adopted were the beginning of a new era; which was the beginning of a permanent seismic change in our lives that would last much longer than Covid-19. But now, more than a year after our last lockdown, some of the companies that benefited most from the new normal are experiencing steep declines, indicating that the purported longevity of our lockdown habits may be much shorter than we thought. we believed

Peloton isn’t the only pandemic-specific company to see such a significant drop since the world emerged. Another 2020 favorite, Entireworld, which made high-end casual wear and was featured in a popular New York Times magazine cover story titled “Sweatpants Forever,” announced it was closing shop late last year, citing funding issues.

Even Zoom, arguably the biggest winner from the pandemic, experienced a huge downturn this year, missing targets that were even adjusted for its overall decline from 2021. It’s also likely that Netflix’s first loss of subscribers this year can be attributed in part to a reduced need for streaming services after their surge during lockdowns.

Of course, all these companies selling products seen as luxuries rather than necessities are also facing the cost of living crisis and the need for consumers to tighten their belts.

While we can see our pandemic-era habits dissolving through the decline of specific companies, those changes are also visible when looking at entire industries. Consumer goods are, in general, experiencing a sharp decline after the boom in online shopping triggered by the pandemic and the fever it generated in housing-related purchases, wanting to make our homes more comfortable while we spend more time indoors. In the UK, sales of furniture, lighting and home goods have fallen below 2019 levels. E-commerce businesses such as fast fashion retailers and electronics outlets are feeling particularly price pressure and reduction, with the latter experiencing a 10 percent decline in prices year over year.

These numbers are clear, but you don’t need to look at the statistics to understand that the general population rejects all elements of our lockdown lifestyle. Many of us remember that moment as a period of momentary insanity (and for some of us, understandably, it was), thinking that we were not really ourselves and therefore that our behavior was motivated by something temporary and unpleasant. The associations we have with our routines and habits have become negative, perhaps even distressing. Staring at our track suits, standing desks, or even stationary bikes serves as an unwanted reminder of what went before.

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Later, in 2022, many seek to enjoy all the things we took for granted years before. We don’t want to stream movies or do a virtual class, we want to go in person. With this sudden change in our spending habits moving in the opposite direction – an increase in in-person entertainment, going to restaurants or amusement parks, and the overwhelming return of international travel – it would be easy to believe that this is our new “new normal.” “However, we must be equally careful not to fall into the same trap, assuming that the consumption we are experiencing now will be sustained for a significant period of time.

We are almost certainly experiencing an overcorrection from the years hemmed in by Covid-19 and, with the service industry struggling with understaffing and demand, these new habits may be even more short-lived than consumers would like.

There are undoubtedly many things that lockdowns changed in our lives that continue to persist even without a lockdown to enforce them. Flexible working has become more normalized since many workers realized they could skip commuting and do the same thing at home; A boom in book sales has also continued, even though most of us have less free time than months-long lockdowns allowed.

But the broader collapse of our pandemic lifestyle trends shows how temporary these major changes have turned out to be. Instead of a permanent symbol of new money’s indulgence, a platoon is fast becoming an antiquated stamp from a bygone era.
