Letter: NHS needs fewer drugs, more lifestyle prescriptions

Hannah Kuchler’s excellent article on the “wonder drug for obesity” (FT magazine, July 16) highlighted the ideological battle between those who believe in “drugs” and those who believe in “lifestyle” for managing conditions long-term.

In fact, the evidence is clear that both are essential. All people with a long-term condition who are receiving drug treatment should also receive an activity prescription, and many should also receive a diet prescription.

This is not currently happening and in the last 10 years I have received around 1000 small leaflets from the NHS about prescription drugs for my heart condition but not a single word about activity or diet.

Both are essential and in the UK’s national program to enable people to ‘Live Longer and Better’, which aims to reduce the risk of dementia and frailty through both prevention and effective treatment of conditions such as diabetes. type 2 and high blood pressure. they are introducing activity prescriptions linked to drug prescriptions.

Of course, the person has to take the advice given. And just as many people don’t take their medication, some will choose to ignore the knowledge provided, namely that, in the words of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, exercise is the ‘miracle cure’.

sir muir gray
Oxford, United Kingdom

Source: www.ft.com