Launch of Ukrainian fashion platform | pebble magazine

The recently launched online clothing platform EMERGE is here to facilitate slow fashion while helping Ukrainian designers get their clothes seen around the world.

Despite the wartime, designers in Ukraine continue to hone their craft and produce amazing items.

An IRL store will also be opened in Berlin that will allow delivery of all items within three days throughout Europe.

model in a summer dress with her back to the camera in an open yellow field

Big fashion houses and global clothing brands dominate the virtual fashion space, which means it’s nearly impossible for small-scale brands to gain recognition.

There is also an online oversaturation of unethical fashion brands in online marketplaces, which means it is difficult for conscientious consumers to find and search for sustainable brands.

The new EMERGE platform prioritizes a slow approach to fashion, which means styles are timeless and you can create conscious fashion brands that share your values.

Who are EMERGE?

EMERGE champions independent and sustainable fashion brands from Ukraine with a dedicated global platform.

This makes their brilliant and ethical designs more accessible around the world.

In addition to celebrating designers pursuing their passions in a war-torn country, EMERGE also seeks to create a more diverse fashion landscape.

portrait of a model looking to the side wearing jewelry

The platform actively selects designs that can be described as minimalist, with clean silhouettes, that also have certain elements that make them stand out.

It is not only the appearance that is important, but also the materials.

EMERGE makes sure that all of its clothing is made from as many natural materials as possible.

model in a studio in a minimalist dress holding a bag

Transparency is another thing that EMERGE prides itself on, as they have a transparent pricing model and fair payment throughout the supply chain.

Finally, EMERGE will make sure that every item displayed on your site includes a detailed description from the designer.

Each designer talks about their signature style and story, in order to spread awareness and make them internationally recognizable.

Discover your new favorite designer at EMERGE.

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