High Uric Acid: Ayurveda Expert On Easy Lifestyle Changes To Treat The Condition | Health

High uric acid level or hyperuricemia has been affecting people around the world more than ever and can lead to a number of chronic health conditions. Sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, lower water intake, and high-calorie foods are all contributing factors to excessive uric acid levels. (Also read: 7 Ayurvedic herbs and remedies to control uric acid and reduce joint pain)

Uric acid, which is a waste product in the body, can be deposited in the bones and joints and lead to health problems such as gout, which is a form of arthritis, as well as heart and kidney problems. High uric acid occurs when the body can’t get rid of enough uric acid or produces too much of it.

Dr. Dixa Bhavsar says that making healthy lifestyle changes can reverse hyperuricemia and lower high uric acid levels naturally.

Causes of high uric acid

– Low metabolism or poor gut health

– Sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activity

– Eat more protein and less fat

– Copious dinners

– There is no regularity in their sleeping and eating time.

– Less water intake.

– Renal dysfunction (elderly patients)

– Eating too much non-vegetarian

How to lower uric acid levels naturally according to Dr. Bhavsar.

– Exercise every day for 45 minutes.

– Drink enough water

– Do not eat lentils/beans and wheat for dinner until your condition improves

– Try to have a light and early dinner, say before 8 pm

– Consume sour fruits like amla, berries, etc.

– Work on building your metabolism

– Manage your stress as it can lower metabolism

– Have a sound sleep every night. Better sleep can help improve your digestion and assimilation

Ayurvedic herb to treat high uric acid

Dr. Bhavsar says that guduchi, also known as giloy, is a wonderful and best Ayurvedic herb for gout.

Here’s how to use Giloy:

– If you have the plant at home, you can easily use it. Take some fresh leaves and stems and soak them overnight. Grind them and boil them in the morning in a glass of water until it reaches half; strain and drink.

– You can also use it in other forms like juice, powder or tablets.

The Ayurveda expert says that although there are other Ayurvedic medicines for uric acid such as kaishor guggulu, punarnava, amla and aloe vera, one should avoid self-medication and always consult an expert. Dr. Bhavsar says that herbs should be consumed in the dosage suggested by them as it is decided based on the individual’s disease and body type to get the best benefits and avoid side effects.

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Source: www.hindustantimes.com