Family Medicine Physician Offers Simple Lifestyle Habits to Help Fight Seasonal Depression – ValpoLife

Millions of Americans battle seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) each year. Commonly triggered during fall and winter, the condition can occur during any change of season and last up to four to five months. People with SAD may feel lethargic or moody and tend to sleep more. Symptoms can also include social withdrawal, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, and feelings of depression.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, women and people who live further from the equator are more likely to experience SAD.

Some experts believe that shorter days and less sunlight are often the causes of seasonal depression. Research into the condition found that people with SAD may have reduced levels of serotonin, a brain chemical that helps regulate mood, and produce too much melatonin, a hormone critical to sleep-wake cycles. This imbalance disrupts normal daily rhythms and makes it more difficult to adjust to seasonal changes in day length.

“SAD is a type of depression that can greatly affect your quality of life and ability to function,” says Northwest Medical Group family medicine physician Andrew House, MD “Because the seasons are predictable, there are habits of lifestyle choices that can be adopted in advance of a seasonal change to help reduce symptoms or that can be implemented when they occur.

Dr. House suggests these simple habits to reduce SAD symptoms:

To go outside: Continue to enjoy outdoor activities during the day regardless of the season to increase your exposure to sunlight. Some people also benefit from using a light therapy box that can mimic sunlight indoors.

get vitamin d: Get vitamin D into your diet from sources other than sunlight, as a supplement or foods like salmon, egg yolks, and mushrooms.

Exercise: Regular exercise is proven to help reduce common SAD symptoms, such as anxiety and stress. And just 2.5 hours of exercise a week can reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and high blood pressure.

Socialize: People with SAD may not feel like participating in social activities, but making an effort to spend time with family and friends, and even asking for their support, can help.

seek help: If lifestyle changes do not help and symptoms persist, talk to a health care provider. Doctors and mental health professionals can help you create the treatment plan that’s right for you.

“Hopefully, adopting these lifestyle habits will help people combat seasonal depression,” says Dr. House. “But if your moodiness, withdrawal or difficulty concentrating symptoms persist, it’s important to seek help and speak to a health professional.”

To learn more about Dr. House and Northwest Medical Group – Primary Care, visit
