Do you have depression or “lifestyle fatigue”?


Source: whoislimos/Unsplash

“I’m so tired!”

I hear this statement every week in my office. Session after session, people complain of feeling chronically exhausted with barely enough energy to get through the day.

How bad is it? They don’t want to venture out of their homes for weekly psychotherapy sessions.

“Do I have to come today?” they complain “Can’t we just talk on the phone?”

What started this epidemic of fatigue?

The effect of the pandemic and “lifestyle fatigue”

Like most people, you probably spend too much time at home, scrolling on your cell phone, binge-watching shows, or mindlessly clicking on TikTok or YouTube videos.

I know. I’ve been there.

The pandemic played a major role in creating this new sedentary lifestyle. Being stuck indoors, confined to the couch, isolated, inactive, with limited in-person social contact for months on end, you will undoubtedly feel dissatisfied with life.

But what effects does this post-pandemic lifestyle have on your mental health?

feelings of depression

When you feel like you’re slipping into a depression, you’re likely to start feeling overwhelmed by insecurities and self-doubt. He can begin to reflect, question his choices, scrutinize his history, and dissect his career and relationships. What’s worse, you may start to lose your grip on reality; his mind may begin to play tricks on you. He may wonder, “Why do I suddenly feel depressed?”

Too often, the answer is hiding in plain sight.

“Lifestyle Fatigue”

Instead of reviewing your chart, making an appointment with a psychiatrist, or blaming yourself for how you feel, consider this essential question:

Is your depression a product of your lifestyle?

When you consider the most common triggers for depression, such as social isolation, a sedentary lifestyle, or a lack of creative stimulation, it’s clear that these repetitive habits are a breeding ground for depression.

Depression versus “lifestyle fatigue”

In my post The Keys to Understanding High-Functioning Depression, I note that high-functioning depression (also known as dysthymia) can be difficult to detect. Unlike major depressive episodes, high-functioning depression is low-level, chronic, and has no clear trigger.

However, “lifestyle fatigue” has obvious triggers and is more likely the result of feeling stuck in a rut rather than a predisposition to depression. (“Lifestyle fatigue” is a term I use and not an official diagnosis.)

“Lifestyle Fatigue” Checklist

Read the list below and note which questions you answered “Yes” to:

Does every day feel the same? Is your job boring and unrewarding? Are you afraid to leave your house? Are you avoiding friends and social interaction? Do you spend more time with screens than with people? Have you lost your creative drive? Has your sex drive been lost? Are you done ruminating or obsessing over your failures? Are you overeating or undereating? Do activities that used to give you pleasure now feel like a waste of time?

If you answered yes to five or more of these questions, you may be suffering from “lifestyle fatigue” (although “lifestyle fatigue” does not exclude the possibility of depression).

How to free yourself from “lifestyle fatigue”

“Lifestyle fatigue” lives and breathes in monotony and repetition; breaking free begins with a powerful word: change.

Any change in your daily routine, such as getting up earlier, going to bed earlier, contacting an old friend, or going to a concert or theater will do the trick. Find new activities that break the monotony or predictability.

It doesn’t matter how big or small it is. Change is a powerful antidote. For example, a patient in psychotherapy with me says that she began to free herself from “lifestyle fatigue” simply by reorganizing her kitchen; another patient felt better after enrolling in a dance class and another patient booked a trip to a tropical island with friends.

Essential reading on depression

Such choices bring fresh energy and vitality and remind us that life is what we make of it. Even small changes can refresh your spirits and give you the boost you need to restart your lifestyle.

For more ideas on how to challenge yourself and free yourself from “lifestyle fatigue,” check out 9 Ways to Cure Your Own Depression.
