A LinkedIn post generator has gone viral for its embarrassing posts / Digital Information World

When a post goes viral on the internet, it’s for two reasons, it’s either very sad and supposedly quirky or two, or it’s related to someone famous. The first is the most likely statistically speaking. While LinkedIn doesn’t seem like an app that would host posts like these, it is a social media app after all, albeit one made for job seekers and job seekers.

There is a viral post generator built specifically for LinkedIn and, well, the generator itself went viral and so popular that a company paid real money to buy it. The generator uses prompts like what did you do today and ask for an inspirational tip. The post then gives you the option to change the embarrassment level of the post. After clicking the Create option, the AI ​​generates a very cringe-worthy post for your feed.

The generator was created by Tom Orbach, who is a marketing specialist, and it was achieved through the use of AI. The generator made its debut on August 15 and has taken the internet by storm ever since. The generator was created using AI that analyzed over 100,000 posts that had gone viral on the app. then this made it possible for the generator to create obnoxious posts by itself.

The results that followed were hilarious and masterpieces in themselves. They were very entertaining and that aspect was very popular with the internet masses. The messages had a very wide range of content. Most of it was just useless advice that was only meant to be information. The advice was anything from chasing your dreams and not letting haters get to your stuff.

Overall, it was a really fun experience, and trying it out was also really fun because we all need to laugh these days anyway.

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Source: www.digitalinformationworld.com