A combination of healthy lifestyle traits can reduce the risk of dementia


Dementia can be the result of various psychological and physical factors, such as brain injury and stroke.

New Delhi: The struggles with old age do not end only in physical problems. There are many conditions such as dementia that decrease cognitive abilities earlier than usual.

What is dementia?

It is a disease that impairs cognitive function beyond the normal levels of a person’s aging. It severely affects memory, thinking, orientation, calculation, learning ability, language, and even judgment. Dementia can be the result of various psychological and physical factors, such as brain injury and stroke.

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According to the WHO, more than 50 million people worldwide are affected by dementia with nearly 10 million new cases each year.

How to reduce the risk of dementia?

It is very important to combine healthier lifestyle behaviors associated with a substantially lower risk of any other disease. Here are some lifestyle changes that can be made to reduce the risk of dementia:

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Exercise your brain: Enjoy activities that involve thinking and learning and help protect against dementia. Evidence suggests that greater benefit comes from more complex and challenging mental activities. The more brain activities you do, the more frequently, and the more complex the activity, the lower your risk of dementia. Participate socially: It is very important to interact, meet and socialize with people to help reduce your dementia. You can go dancing, travel, volunteer, or even take daily walks with family and friends to keep your body and brain active. Avoid excess alcohol: Heavy drinking can damage the brain and increase the risk of dementia. Long-term heavy drinking can cause brain damage and lead to a condition called alcohol-related dementia. Drink only in moderation. Eat a healthy diet: Nutritionists and health experts recommend eating a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables to protect against dementia. Stay physically active: It’s important to stay active to reduce your risk of dementia along with other conditions, such as heart disease and stroke. Daily walking, jogging, swimming or any physical activity is good for the body.

Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietitian before beginning any fitness program or making changes to your diet.

Source: www.timesnownews.com