7 easy tips and tricks

Google Keep, Google’s note-taking app, offers a variety of features to keep your lists and notes under control. While Google Keep may not be the most advanced note-taking app available, it has enough features to meet most people’s needs. However, many of these are not immediately obvious.

We’ve rounded up seven of the best tips and tricks to help you use Google Keep to its fullest potential. We demonstrate them using the Google Keep app for Android, but these instructions work on the desktop version as well.

If you haven’t used Keep before, check out our guide on how to use Google Keep first. That will get you up to speed with the basics, but there are plenty of advanced features available.

Creating a shopping list with Google Keep is as simple as creating a list, but why not make it smart? Linking the Google Assistant to Google Keep allows you to add items to your shopping list with your voice. You can create as many lists as you like this way.

Create and name a list with checkboxes in Google Keep. Tell ”
Ok Google, open Assistant settings
” to open the Google Assistant settings menu.



View all Wizard settings
. Scroll down and tap
notes and lists



Tap the radio button next to
google keep


Now you can say, “Hey Google, add (item) to my list (list name)”. Google Assistant will check your lists in Keep and automatically add that item to the one specified in your request. You can also say “Hey Google, remove (item) from my list (list name)” to remove an item.


How to import your notes into Google Docs

Google Keep is a great way to take notes or save images on the go, but what if you want to create a longer writing project? Fortunately, Keep is built into Google Docs, so you can quickly add your notes or images to a document. There are two ways to do this, depending on which app you’re starting from.

Importing Keep notes from Google Docs

This method only works on the desktop version of Google Docs.

Open Google Docs. Click on the
arrow button
in the lower right corner of the screen to expand the side panel. Click on the
google keep
to the right of the screen to open the Keep panel.



Drag and drop your notes into your document.


You can also create Keep notes within Google Docs by clicking the Take note at the top of the Keep panel. Notes created this way contain a link to the Google Doc, so you can easily access the document by opening the note within the Google Keep app.

How to Copy a Keep Note to Google Docs

Within the Keep app, you can copy a note to Google Docs. Copies the formatting, except for lists that are converted to bulleted lists.

Open any note within Google Keep. tap on the
three dot button
in the bottom right corner of your screen. Play



Copy to Google Docs


If your note doesn’t have a title, the note is saved as a “Google Keep Document” within Docs.

How to change default reminder times

When you create a reminder in Google Keep, you have the option of morning, afternoon, evening, or night to set your reminder, as well as a custom time option. The Morning, Afternoon, and Night options have preset times, but you can change them in the settings menu. It’s not a huge change, but it can save you a couple of taps when setting up reminders.

tap on the
three line button
in the upper right corner of your screen to open the navigation drawer. Play



. Pick a time and touch



Now when you set a reminder, you will see your preset times.

Use tags to organize your notes

Tags are a clever way to organize and find your notes. Your Keep notes can be filtered by tags, and you can add multiple tags to notes. There are several ways to add tags, but we’ll show you the most convenient way to create and add a tag to a note.

How to create and add a label to a Keep note

Open any note. Hit the three dots

in the bottom right corner of your screen. Play



Tap a checkbox next to an existing tag or tap
Enter the tag name
to create a new tag.


How to filter your Keep notes by tag

Tap the three line button in the top right corner of your screen to open the navigation drawer. Touch a tag below the



Install the Chrome extension to quickly add images or web pages to Keep

A great way to improve your Google Chrome experience is by installing extensions. One of the best is the Keep extension as it allows you to add web pages and images to your Keep account in just a couple of clicks.

Install the Google Keep extension. Right-click on an image or anywhere on a web page. hover over
Google Keep Chrome Extension
in the context menu. Choose one of the options. Regardless of which option you choose, the Keep note will contain a URL to the web page. The image is saved to Keep, and you can add a note or tag to the item from the popup.



When you install Google Keep, you also get a couple of useful widgets. One of these lets you create a note with a tap, while the other lets you scroll through your notes without opening the app. Simply long press your phone’s home screen to access the Widgets menu and then search Hold to find the two widgets.



You can adjust the size of these widgets to change the available buttons.

Take text from an image

Google Keep has the ability to copy text from an image. It instantly copies it below the saved image, where you can edit or share it as needed.

Open an image saved in Google Keep. Tap the image. Hit the three dots

button in the upper right corner of your screen. Play
Grab the text from the image



Take notes like a pro

Your Android phone is a great way to take quick notes, but if you prefer to write your notes by hand, try taking a handwritten note with one of the best Android tablets. This gives you an experience similar to writing on paper but with the full functionality of Google Keep at your fingertips.

Source: www.androidpolice.com