6 ways to sleep better in the summer

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Q. Why do I sleep like a log in winter and have insomnia in summer?

While there isn’t a lot of research on this particular phenomenon, there is some evidence that seasonal changes can affect sleep patterns, and there are several issues that could cause you to lose sleep in the summer.

Summer schedule. The most likely culprit is the extra exposure to sunlight we tend to get at night during the summer compared to winter, especially for those who live in northern latitudes. This is because light suppresses the body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that plays a role in signaling the body that it’s time to sleep. So if you’re still sunbathing late at night, or even under artificial lighting, instead of relaxing in a dimly lit environment, the melatonin won’t be released and you’ll likely find it harder to fall asleep in your usual bedtime.

Warmer weather. Higher temperatures during the summer can also wreak havoc on sleep. Under ideal conditions, your body temperature starts to drop a couple of degrees about an hour or two before bedtime in preparation for sleep, and continues to drop while you sleep, said Leslie Swanson, a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychiatry at the University of the Sleep. and Circadian Research Laboratory at the University of Michigan. This internal cooling effect helps us achieve the deep, restorative stage of sleep known as slow-wave sleep. But “when the ambient temperature is high outside, it prevents our body temperature from dropping as fast as we want to make it easier to sleep,” Dr. Swanson said. Not only does this make it more difficult to fall asleep, but it can also lead to frequent awakenings during the night.

A more vibrant social life. Beyond light and temperature, it’s also helpful to look at your lifestyle during the summer, which can be quite different from your habits during the rest of the year. Summer is a time when many of us kick back into vacation mode, which can translate to more socializing, drinking, and eating late at night. All of these activities too close to bedtime will delay your body’s internal (or circadian) clock and make it difficult for you to get the sleep you need.

The good news is that you are not powerless in the plight of summer insomnia. Here are some ways to combat this problem.

Follow a consistent sleep routine. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, even on weekends, no matter how tired you feel in the morning, will help your circadian clock adjust to your desired bedtime.

Let the sun pass. In the mornings and during the day, open the curtains and go outside as much as possible. Sunlight during the day signals your body that it’s time to be alert and strengthens your circadian clock, which in turn promotes better sleep at night, said Philip Gehrman, a clinical psychologist and associate professor at Penn Sleep. Center of the University of Pennsylvania.

Set the mood. An hour or two before bed, try dimming the lights, which will activate your body’s natural production of melatonin. Don’t forget to turn off electronic devices at this time as well because they emit blue light, which can be particularly detrimental to sleep. If you need to use a screen at night, Dr. Swanson suggested dimming your device to the lowest setting possible and switching your screen to “night shift” mode, if available. If you can’t dim your screen or overhead lights, she also recommends wearing blue-blocking glasses (often called amber glasses). While there is some debate about their effectiveness, there is research that suggests they can reduce insomnia.

Then, with the lights low, do something quiet and relaxing to go into sleep mode. “We are not cut out to go from 60 miles per hour to zero. We need time to slow down or else it will be difficult for us to sleep,” Dr. Swanson said.

That’s why she and other experts said aerobic exercise should be avoided close to bedtime. They also advised against eating large meals within three hours of bedtime (although a small snack before bedtime is fine). And when it comes to drinking, experts recommend not consuming alcohol in the hours before bedtime because, while it will likely make you pass out quickly, it’s likely to lead to a spotty night of poor-quality sleep.

Pay attention to caffeine. “The general rule of thumb is to be careful with caffeine after lunch,” Dr. Gehrman said. “Caffeine can remain in the brain for eight to 10 hours at levels sufficient to disrupt sleep.” But he added that the effects of caffeine can vary greatly from person to person.

Refresh your bedroom. When it’s time to sleep, keep your bedroom between 60 and 67 degrees. “We tend to sleep more soundly in a cool room,” said Dr. Gehrman. He even noted that “for some people, once summer hits and they turn on the air conditioning, they sleep better because it keeps their room cooler than it was in the spring or fall.” (Wirecutter, a New York Times product review and recommendation company, has tips for keeping a room cool on a budget.)

Avoid distractions. If you can, wear room darkening shades or an eye mask while you sleep. And consider turning on a white noise machine or a gently humming fan to muffle any distracting ambient sounds.

If you still toss and turn in bed, get up and do something calming (like reading a book, meditating, or knitting) until you feel sleepy. Only then should you go back to bed. This way you will not associate your bed with insomnia. “We always say that the bed should be for two things: sleep and sex,” said Dr. Gehrman.

If some of these things are out of your control, don’t worry. Most people don’t have to follow every one of these suggestions to get a good night’s sleep, Dr. Gehrman added. Still, if none of these strategies help and your nighttime insomnia begins to interfere with your daytime functioning, seek out a sleep specialist.

Rachel Rabkin Peachman is a journalist specializing in health, science and family.

Audio produced by Kate Winslett.

Source: www.nytimes.com