5 symptoms of lifestyle disorder in children

diabetes in children

One of the main causes of diabetes among children is obesity and being overweight. When the body has more fatty tissue, it becomes more resistant to insulin. (Image credit: Pexels)

New Delhi: In recent decades, the world has witnessed a striking increase in diabetes cases, with type 2 diabetes being the most prevalent form of the condition. However, young and old adults are not the only ones affected by it; diabetes is also not very kind to children. Although type 1 diabetes is commonly seen in children and adolescents, type 2 diabetes is also becoming a concern these days, thanks to an increased reliance on processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle.

What is type 2 diabetes?

A chronic lifestyle disorder, type 2 diabetes is characterized by uncontrollably high blood sugar levels due to insufficient insulin or insulin resistance. In this case, the body does not properly use the insulin produced by the pancreas. This inability to use insulin properly can result in the buildup of sugar in the blood which then causes diabetes followed by various other health problems like high blood pressure or nerve damage to name a few. Obesity is one of the leading causes of type 2 diabetes among children.

The symptoms of diabetes are similar for both children and adults. Take a look at the key signs of type 2 diabetes:

Unexplained weight loss Blurred vision Loss of appetite Wounds that do not heal easily Increased thirst

What are the causes of type 2 diabetes?

Genetics: Children with a family history of the condition are more likely to have it; especially when a parent or sibling is diabetic. Obesity: High body mass index and obesity can also contribute to diabetes by increasing the risk of insulin resistance.The pregnancy: Women can develop diabetes during pregnancy due to an increased risk of spikes in blood sugar. This is known as gestational diabetes and can be reversed with delivery. However, its management is important to protect offspring from the disorder or birth defects.Diet: Diet is the most important factor influencing diabetes risk. If your child drinks sugary drinks too often and overeats packaged foods and processed meat, it could be a health red flag. sedentary lifestyle: Laziness and inactivity come at a price for both children and adults. It could increase the chances of type 2 diabetes for your child.

Disclaimer: The hints and tips mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietitian before beginning any fitness program or making changes to your diet.

Source: www.timesnownews.com