10 tips on what to bring to college

Whether you’re an incoming freshman or a returning senior, it’s always a good idea to take a look at things that make living away from home a little easier. You’ll need big items like computers and clothes, but there may be some smaller, more useful items you might not be thinking about while packing up your parents’ car.

Our student staff at the Office of Residential Education has you covered with a quick list of tips to help ease the stress of packing and keep you prepared for campus life.

1. Pack business casual clothes.

In addition to the usual daily ensemble (college casual is an appropriate term), you’ll want to bring business casual attire for campus employment, group meetings with faculty and staff, and alumni gatherings. You never know when you might make a lasting first impression.

2. Make your room feel like home.

Your college dorm or apartment will be your home away from home for almost nine months. A sturdy rug can not only serve as a useful way to keep things neat and tidy, it can also help add dimension and liven up your space. Posters and pictures on the wall can serve as cheerful reminders of family and friends or provide additional motivation to do a great job.

3. Prepare your bed for comfort.

We know how crucial sleep is to recovery and daily focus. At the end of a long day of classes, work, campus activities, and studying, you’ll want a comfortable bed to sleep on. Bring a mattress pad and your favorite pillows to make your bed feel more like home as soon as you arrive on campus.

4. Stay organized to live and learn.

Each bedroom is equipped with a closet, but bed risers will raise the bed frame and give you some extra storage underneath. Plan ahead for riser heights so you can bring storage bins to fit the increased space under the bed. You should bring extra hangers for the closet, and don’t forget something to keep you organized outside of your bedroom, like an agenda or journal.

Bedroom with pendant lights and paintings.
Students find creative ways to make their bedrooms feel like home, including hanging lights and pictures (Photo by Camryn Counsil ’25).

5. Stay hydrated and happy!

Whether you have a kitchen in your living space or not, it’s a good idea to bring reusable plates, glasses, and utensils. It’s better for the environment and you don’t have to make as many trips to take out the garbage. Also, bring a water filter pitcher to keep your tap water clean and fresh and avoid the added expense of buying bottles of water all the time. And of course, bring your favorite snacks in case the local stores don’t have those items. Commons Marketplace has a variety of snacks, desserts, coffee, and essentials in case you run out. Finally, bring vitamin C tablets or multivitamins to help increase healthy cooking in Dining Services.

6. Stay clean in shared spaces.

With shared shower spaces between multiple rooms, it’s a good idea to bring shower shoes to keep your feet clean, such as flip-flops, sandals, or rubber shoes. Don’t forget a laundry basket and detergent to do your laundry, and a Tide-to-Go pen is almost a must no matter where you live. You’ll be thankful to have one around after dripping honey mustard down your favorite shirt on Chicken Finger Fridays.

7. Bring your best friends.

A good pair of headphones or earphones is needed on a busy college campus. Whether you’re sitting among other students while studying in the quiet calm of the Musselman Library, or hanging out in the hustle and bustle of the Janet M. Riggs Student Center, you’ll want headphones that keep outside noises and distractions at bay. and allow to easily listen to presentations or music.

8. Stay dry.

The weather in south central Pennsylvania can change at any time. When it starts to rain, you can often see campus bums running to the nearest building or using any object on their person to block the drops. Bring an umbrella, waterproof jacket, and boots, and be sure to check the weather before you start your day.

9. Bring identification for employment on campus.

It’s easy to find an exciting job through Handshake, Gettysburg’s online job listing managed by the Center for Career Engagement, but going through the hiring process can be time-consuming without proper forms of identification. Each student must present original and acceptable employment authorization and identity documents and verify them in person with an individual employee. Arriving on campus without the necessary items could delay landing your dream job.

10. Pack a mask.

The wearing of masks is no longer required on campus for students and employees, but individuals may choose to wear a mask if they wish. If someone tests positive for COVID-19, both the individual and their close contacts will be required to wear a mask indoors for a set period of time. Additionally, several local medical facilities still require masks to enter.

Learn more about how to make your campus feel like home and other helpful resources for living on campus.

By Corey Jewart on behalf of Residential Education Student Staff
Photos of Shawna Sherrell, Camryn Council ’25
Posted: 08/18/22

Source: www.gettysburg.edu