I love this stretchy Nike sports bra

When I started running years ago, I came up with a little mantra: “You don’t have to go fast. You just have to go. I replayed it in my head as I jogged, thinking how liberating it was to base my performance on just doing it. I realized that the mantra could apply to any […]

New York Fashion Week NFTs to unlock invites and merchandise

NFTs first appeared at NYFW in February, offering exclusive rewards for designer guests. Now, they are granting access to more experiences and physical goods, a change that reflects a growing trend in fashion and retail towards fictitious products and token-gating. Keys aren’t the only blockchain-based tools to access NYFW experiences. Markarian is offering a slew […]

Curious about 3D printing? Here are some tips before you dive in

what i intended to do with my 3D printer, I can’t remember. I vaguely remember wanting to print big things, but wasn’t sure what they might be. More abstractly, he hoped the printer could combine several hobbies and interests into one: computer programming, additive and subtractive manufacturing, computer-aided design, tinkering, and an unflinching desire to […]