Viral vs Bacterial Infection: What’s the Difference?

Both viral and bacterial infections can make you sick. Symptoms of viral and bacterial infections can range from mild to severe. Without treatment, some can even be life-threatening.

A viral infection is an illness caused by a virus. Common viral infections include COVID-19, influenza (flu), and chicken pox. Bacterial infections are caused by bacteria. These types of germs cause ailments including strep throat, tetanus, and anthrax.

While all illnesses have many things in common, it’s important to find out which germ you have so you can get the treatment you need. When you are sick, antibiotics can kill bacteria, but not viruses. It is one of the key ways that these two types of germs differ.

This article contains details about the ways these infections vary and how they affect your body. It also highlights symptoms, treatments, tests, and ways to prevent them.

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Difference Between Viruses and Bacteria

Viruses and bacteria are two types of microscopic pathogens. While both types of germs can trigger an immune response and produce similar symptoms, their structures and the ways they react to medications set them apart.

viruses against bacteria

A key difference between viruses and bacteria is that antibiotics are effective against bacteria, not viruses. Antibiotics do not work against viruses.

Viruses are infectious parasites that require a living host to survive and multiply. They are the smallest germs, whose only components include genetic material encased in proteins. When viruses infect a host, they grow and reproduce inside cells. In doing so, they can damage, kill, or change the cells they infect.

Viruses also have the following characteristics:

Smaller than the smallest bacteria. Specific to the area of ​​the body it attacks. It cannot survive without a host cell or from an animal, human or plant.

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that exist and reproduce on their own almost anywhere. Most bacteria do not make you sick. Our bodies naturally have around 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells, many of which are compatible with your digestive system.

Other characteristics of bacteria include:

Able to live on its own without a host Can cause illness after a viral infection, creating a secondary infection Can exist for weeks or months on surfaces or materials, depending on the type of bacteria

Diagnosis of viral infection vs. bacterial

Getting an accurate diagnosis of a bacterial or viral infection requires laboratory tests. This is usually done by a health care provider.

The type of sample collected depends on the type of germ that is suspected. Samples collected to confirm viral or bacterial diagnosis are often taken from one of the following areas:

ThroatRashNoseUrineFecesVomitusSputumBloodWoundBody tissueVomitusCerebrospinal fluid

viral infections

Diagnosis of viral infections is most commonly made by virological tests that look for the DNA or RNA of the virus (genetic makeup) in the sample. Some tests identify antibodies that your body has made against a virus after the incubation period. When antibodies to a specific virus are found, it may indicate that you have immunity to the virus.

Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) are generally accurate and highly sensitive. They are considered to test for viral infections. Other tests used to identify viruses include:

Bacterial infections

Diagnosis of a bacterial infection often involves the use of a bacterial culture test. This test involves taking a sample of your urine, blood, or tissue from the site where you have symptoms. The sample is then sent to a laboratory. There, the cells are allowed to grow for a couple of days until there is enough to detect the presence of bacteria.

A blood test called a complete blood count (CBC) can also be used to diagnose a bacterial infection. This test measures the counts of white blood cells, red blood cells, and blood platelets. When looking for an infection, your health care provider will check your white blood cell count because these cells increase when they fight infection.

When a specific infection is suspected, your blood work may be ordered as a CBC with differential. This can help specify the amount of each type of white blood cell in the blood so that infection can be identified. This is key to getting the proper treatment for the infection involved.


Although they are caused by different types of germs, the symptoms of a viral infection and the symptoms of a bacterial infection are often similar in the early stages of the disease. That is why it is necessary to use laboratory tests to confirm the origin of your disease.

Common symptoms of both types of infections include:

Common viral infections

Examples of common viral infections include:

With so many different viruses and bacteria, it’s hard to determine what type of germ is causing your symptoms without a medical exam. Some diseases, such as meningitis, can be caused by bacteria or viruses. Although people may present symptoms differently depending on their age and general health, a bacterial infection may be suspected when the disease has the following characteristics:

Symptoms that last longer than 10 to 14 days that are typical with a virus Fever that is higher than the temperature that occurs with a virus Fever that gets worse rather than better over time

Common bacterial infections

Examples of common bacterial infections include:


The method of treating viral versus bacterial infections is one of the key factors that distinguishes these two types of infections. Treating an infection caused by a virus is more challenging than treating one caused by bacteria.

Antibiotics are powerful medicines that kill or stop the growth of certain infections caused by bacteria. They can treat serious bacterial infections like sepsis and pneumonia. They can also treat common infections like UTIs, strep throat, and Escherichia coli (E. coli).

Examples of antibiotics include:

Because antibiotics are so powerful, many patients seek them out to treat any type of infection. However, taking antibiotics for a viral infection is useless and may even endanger your health. It can increase your risk of side effects and antibiotic resistance, a situation in which bacteria are no longer vulnerable to antibiotics designed to kill them.

There are no equivalents to antibiotics for viral infections. While some viral infections can be treated with antiviral medications, these are disease-specific medications and are not effective against other illnesses caused by viruses. When effective, these drugs work to slow viral replication.

Examples of antiviral drugs include:

Treatment for most viral infections involves managing symptoms while your immune system works to fight the infection.


Preventing the transmission of viral and bacterial infections can be challenging. Many infections are contagious and can be spread from person to person or by indirect contact before symptoms appear.

The following steps can help prevent the spread of viral and bacterial infections:

Get vaccinated against viral and bacterial infections and make sure your vaccination status is kept up to date with boosters. Wash your hands well and often. Cover your cough or sneeze into your elbow. Pay attention to food safety when storing and preparing food. Avoid close contact with wild animals. Practice safer sex by always using a condom in every intimate encounter. Don’t share items like combs, toothbrushes, drinking glasses, and straws.


Viral and bacterial infections are caused by germs. While these germs differ in how they attack your body, both can make you sick with symptoms that can range from mild to severe. Often, having a lab test is the only way to diagnose your disease.

Finding out what kind of germ is making you sick is key to getting the right treatment. If your illness is caused by bacteria, antibiotics can kill the germs and make it harder for them to grow. If a virus is causing your illness, you may need to wait for your immune system to fight off the germs while you take steps to ease your symptoms.

You can reduce the risk of these types of ailments by taking steps to prevent the spread of disease. Vaccines can prevent or reduce the impact of the germs they target. Other safety measures, like washing your hands and practicing safe sex, can also reduce your chances of getting these ailments.

A word from Verywell

Viral and bacterial infections are so common that you will likely have had several by the time you reach adulthood. That doesn’t mean you should take your symptoms lightly every time they occur.

Without a physical exam and a laboratory test, it is usually not possible to diagnose the source of your illness. Knowing the type of germ causing your infection helps your provider determine if you may benefit from an antibiotic, a treatment that only works on bacterial infections.

These powerful medications are not effective against viruses, but if you have a virus, your provider can recommend ways to make you comfortable and reduce your symptoms. If you have one of a few specific viruses, you may qualify for treatment with an antiviral drug.

If you recognize the symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection, contact your health care provider to find out if tests are recommended based on your symptoms and other factors about your health. This can give you the best chance of feeling better faster.

Frequent questions

What are the signs of a viral infection?

The signs of a viral infection vary depending on the type of virus you have and how your body reacts. Common symptoms include fever, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, and/or headache. Symptoms can last from three days to about a week and then get better on their own.

Do antibiotics treat viral infections?

Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections. They do not work against viral infections. Taking antibiotics for a viral infection can increase the risk of side effects and contribute to antibiotic resistance.

What is the main difference between a bacterial infection and a viral infection?

The main difference between a bacterial infection and a viral infection is that a bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics. A viral infection is usually allowed to run its course, and treatments are often only used to help relieve symptoms. Some viral infections can be treated with antiviral medications.
