Multitasking to prevent viral hemorrhagic fevers

New World arenaviruses are pathogens capable of zoonotic infections that cause viral hemorrhagic fevers, which are frequently fatal in humans. However, a recombinant live attenuated pentavalent vaccine shows promising efficacy against infection. Viral hemorrhagic fevers caused by pathogenic mamarenaviruses are endemic in certain regions of West Africa (Old World) and South America (New World). These […]

Associations between outdoor air pollutants and non-viral asthma exacerbations and airway inflammatory responses in children and adolescents living in urban areas in the USA: a retrospective secondary analysis

Summary Background Asthma prevalence and severity have markedly increased with urbanisation, and children in low-income urban centres have among the greatest asthma morbidity. Outdoor air pollution has been associated with adverse respiratory effects in children with asthma. However, the mechanisms by which air pollution exposure exacerbates asthma, and how these mechanisms compare with exacerbations induced […]

Armados con muestreadores de aire, trucos con cuerdas y, sí, hormigas, los cazadores de virus detectan amenazas de nuevas formas | Ciencia

Un viernes por la mañana en septiembre del año pasado, Erik Karlsson visitó el extenso mercado de Orussey aquí, donde los vendedores vendían ollas y sartenes, cables telefónicos y radios, sombreros y vestidos, y una miríada de tipos de comida del sudeste asiático. Docenas de cerdos enteros asados ​​de color naranja colgaban de ganchos, cangrejos […]

YouTube Predicts What Will Go Viral In 2023

In the latest episode of YouTube’s official trends podcast, company representatives discuss the video trends they predict will dominate the platform in 2023. From the resurgence of travel content to the continued growth of YouTube Shorts, hosts share their thoughts on what creators and viewers can expect to see in the coming year. Whether you’re […]