Programmable antivirals targeting critical conserved viral RNA secondary structures from influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2

Cells and viruses HEK293T (CRL-1573), Vero E6 (CRL-1586) and MDCK-NLB-2 (CCL-34) cells were obtained from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and were maintained according to ATCC instructions. A549-Dual (a549d-nfis) and THP1-Dual (thpd-nfis) were obtained from InvivoGen and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions. All cell lines used in the present study were routinely checked for […]

Why do viruses exist, anyway?

I’ve had up here with viruses lately. It’s easy these days to wonder if there’s anything good about them. That made me curious about why viruses exist in the first place and where they come from. So let’s take a few minutes to talk about them. This is not about the infamous SARS-CoV-2 virus that […]

Watch Teacher’s Kindergarten Funny Viral Song Video

Chicago educator Dwayne Reed’s music video “Welcome to Kindergarten” is going viral and proving once again that teachers are absolutely amazing. In the now-viral Instagram video, Reed wears a bow tie, plays guitar and sings his kindergarten song in an empty classroom. Her sweet voice sings: “Welcome to kindergarten, where we can learn and play. […]