This beauty line founded by a supermodel is inspired by minimalist art

Madison-Headrick-Care.e.onAll images are courtesy of Care.e.on.

Few beauty entrepreneurs can claim artists Giorgio Morandi, Robert Ryman and Piero Manzoni as their patron saints, but then again, Care.e.on, Madison Headrick’s new travel-focused brand, was created to avoid the beauty industry standards. In fact, the three essentialists not only covered the mood board for Care.e.on’s first campaign, but actually act as exemplars of their ethos, emphasizing transparent, monastic devotion to mastering the craft (which in the case of Care.e.on is careful). chemistry). “Obviously, the three artists have such different goals, partners and references,” says the supermodel. “But, in my opinion, what unites them is not only minimalism, but also purity.”

“For Morandi, it’s compositional balance, harmony, tonality and color,” Headrick continues. “For Ryman, it’s the light, the space and the textures he used, and with Manzoni, it was his radical and innovative materials and pigments. When I look at his paintings, I know exactly what painting feels like. I could have a cup of Morandi and know exactly how that clay texture would touch my hand. This was a very important aesthetic principle that I wanted Care.e.on to have.” Because of this, the brand new imagery is incredibly visceral. He wants you to know what you’re getting and to make you feel something. It does better than the normal fare of jelly-smeared cheeks and drenched faces.

Care.e.on’s minimalist motif permeates every thoughtful layer, including its first offering; an En Route Essentials kit that launched last fall. It’s a mesh bag packed with hand sanitizer, facial moisturizer-soaked pads (to minimize hand contact), a face mist, and a proper squalane mask for the night. The conciseness and ease of the case, like any minimalist masterpiece, hides years of incubation and work. Headrick, as a career supermodel, has spent the last decade traveling at a pace most people can’t, plus the added expectation of showing up everywhere he lands camera-ready. This experience not only led Headrick to launch Care.e.on, but also fueled the entrepreneur’s passion for art and thus his introduction to Ryman et al.

Art was a survival mechanism, a travel tip, a lifestyle that Headrick learned along the way. Since being discovered at age 14, Headrick has spent her teens and early college years alternating between her studies (first in high school in Charleston and then at New York University) and far-flung adventures offered by campaigning for the major brands and fashion weeks. Caught up in the demands of two lifetimes of career and academia, Headrick found time to relax as she explored international cities through her art museums. These institutions provided space for meditative thought not usually provided within the narrow confines of Headrick’s hectic schedule. Over the years, quick visits turned into long-term relationships.

Today, Headrick is a collector who regularly sneaks out of Care.e.on’s headquarters to see shows. Her current obsession with hers is the exquisite Met Museum exhibition, “Cubism and the Trompe l’Oeil Tradition,” which plays directly into the kind of innovation she prioritizes in her brand. “It’s my favorite kind of show, the feeling of looking at something and wondering, oh my gosh, is that real? I could touch it,” she says. “The program reflects what I hope to achieve with Care.e.on.” She also mentions the name of her partner Joseph Nahmad’s recent Alexander Calder exhibit, curated by Kelly Taxter, who combined creatures from the archives of legend with the work of young artists. As a collector, Headrick is drawn to the same kinds of works—abstract, subtle, glowing—that inform Care.e.on. Her latest purchase is a painting by the late German-French artist Hans Hartung, who often slid contrasting colors so that, in the right light, they could be seen as makeup swatches.


Art and life always blend into one for Headrick, and that’s the way she likes it. Care.e.on is the embodiment of this spirit, combined, of course, with Headrick’s deep experience in the beauty industry, honed as she sits in the chairs of the most influential makeup artists, listening and gathering her wisdom. . These two roots, beauty and art, come together to form a skincare line that honors both by prioritizing high-quality formulas over marketing.

With Headrick’s signature thoughtfulness at the forefront, Care.eon’s rollout has been slow but brilliant, with customers coming back for seconds and thirds, a voracious whispering campaign raging across social media. Headrick does not pay influencers or bots; that budget instead goes toward researching better ingredients. The fervor of his already staunch fans makes the difference. The future is still locked in under an NDA, but Headrick promises there will be more soon. After users discovered that Care.e.on’s facial mist doubles as a setting spray, the doors were opened for its founder to continue experimenting and innovating, now with customer feedback at the center. Care.e.on’s upcoming collection will weave all those references and observations together, coming together to form a blob so delicious you’ll want to reach out and touch it.

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