Leinster hammer Glasgow in record fashion to reach URC semi-finals

Leinster head coach Leo Cullen.  (Photo by Harry Murphy/Sportsfile via Getty Images)

Leinster head coach Leo Cullen. (Photo by Harry Murphy/Sportsfile via Getty Images)

Leinster put their Champions Cup disappointment behind them to beat Glasgow 76-14 in the brutally one-sided United Rugby Championship quarter-final on Saturday.

Richie Gray’s sin-binning was punished with three attempts, including Joe McCarthy’s first for Leinster, as the Irish Shield winners galloped to a 26-7 half-time lead.

Dan Sheehan scored a brace and the electric Jordan Larmour also crossed as Glasgow’s early seven-point lead, thanks to Zander Fagerson’s effort in the fourth minute, quickly vanished.

Leo Cullen’s men finished with 12 tries, a new URC record, as Caelan Doris, Michael Ala’alatoa, Jamison Gibson-Park, Garry Ringrose, Larmour, Ciaran Frawley, Luke McGrath and Jimmy O’Brien completed the loss.

His haul of 76 points was also the highest for a single game in the history of the competition in its various guises, surpassing the 75 the Ospreys gave Benetton at Swansea in 2014.

Leinster will face the Bulls in the quarter-finals after they secured a dramatic 30-27 win over the Sharks in a South African semi-final.

The teams were locked at 27-27 and heading into overtime when Chris Smith’s drop-goal split the posts as the clock approached 84 minutes.

The Stormers will face Ulster in another semi-final between South Africa and Ireland after beating Edinburgh 28-17.

Ulster beat Munster 36-17 in Friday’s quarterfinals.

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Source: www.news24.com